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Story continuous from the next day. 

"Aah" KKG shouted waking up at middle of night. 

"Khushi what happened?" KS asked coming near her, she tried to wipe of KKG sweat and engulf her but she is unable to touch her. KKG wiped her sweat seeing KS unsuccessful attempts. 

"Bad dream?" KS questioned. 

"Kind of." KKG replied.

"What is it?" KS asked her.

"I just saw someone took a born baby away from her mother and she(mother) looked dead on hospital bed. And that baby is me, some other stuff i cant remember" KKG said trying remember her dream.

"But i saw clearly one lorry crushed my car and i died" KKG completed.

"Khushi, it must be your imagination. All the day you were thinking about me right? You saw my accident in dream. Forget about everything and sleep peacefully, i am sitting here beside you. I wont let anyone HARM you." KS assured making KKG emotional.

"Till now no one said this words to me Di" KKG said, KS signaled her to wipe tears.

"If you wont sleep i will sing lullaby then you wont get sleep for this lifetime" KS said making khushi chuckle. 

"Thats my girl, now sleep" KS ordered.

"Though i cant touch you i can feel it. Thank you Di" KKG said and drifted to deep sleep.

"Devimayya, What is our relation? Why is she like me? Why she can able to see me? Why is she helping me? Why i love her so much?" KS questioned looking at gods idol kept beside bed.

"Show me all answers before i leave this world." She prayed looking at KKG. 

Next day, they completed their morning routine. Everyone are in living hall as its Sunday. Sinha's came there along with pandith to fix arnav-lavanya marriage date.

Sinha's looked at KKG longingly but she didnt greet them, she just observed their emotions. KS stood beside her.

Arnav came down, he saw sinha's and passed mild smile.

"Arnav beta, how are you?" Mohini questioned him.


"Beta come here, We are here to fix your marriage with lavanya" Shashi said with smile but arnav stood emotionless. Khushi's felt bad seeing him.

"Come sit arnav" Rathna said, arnav looked towards them. There are two empty seats for him one beside lavanya and other one beside Khushi who is sitting opposite to lavanya. He moved towards khushi to sit beside her. 

"Di, move out your husband will sit in your lap." KKG said in low tone.

"Khushi, he cant feel me" KS reasoned. 

"Oh yes, still i can see you both right? Sit on this edge" KKG said tapping beside her. Though lavanya felt bad that arnav ignored her, she didnt showed it on her face.

"Arnavji, She seems to be nice" KKG whispered. 

"We cant conclude" He whispered back.

"Arnav, we gave our KHUSHI to you 5 years back. You took care of her like a baby. Your love for her is unconditional. We expect same love and care for lavanya too. In the same trust we are agreeing for this marriage." Garima Sinha said, arnav fisted his hands tight. KKG, KS can see his helpless state clearly. He looked at rathna's pleading face and nodded head towards Garima.

"Now i definitely need to stop this marriage. I dont want arnavji to suffer, he is a good person" KKG swore.

"Pandith ji, please fix date in one month" Rathna said. Pandith started checking for appropriate dates. 

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