03. new year, new kids

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His ritual of an average school day was upon himself again, roll into his parking spot, light a bowl after Stella left, and bother Jonathan. Only today Frankie was running behind, swearing under his breath to himself as he raced through the house, trying to find his keys as Stella shouted at him to hurry up. Finally he did find them, and they were on their way to Hawkins High.

Only when they arrived at the lot and made their way to Frankie's usual spot, an unfamiliar blue Camaro with a California plate sat in his spot. Frankie's mouth hung agape at the sight and scowled. "Fucking bastard stole my spot!"

"California plate? Is anyone at Hawkins High from California?" Stella questioned, glancing up at her elder brother.

"I don't think so, and if they are, they've been here long enough to have their plates changed." Frankie frowned, swerving over two spots away from the Camaro. He eyed the car as Stella got out, wondering who owned it as the owner no longer stood by its side.

As he made his way into the school, he certainly was made aware of a new student; whispers drifted through the halls of some boy cladded in bright blue denim with a curly blond mullet, and Frankie sighed heavily, knowing this kid was going to be a trip.

Entering his English classroom, Frankie pursed his lips together as he spotted a boy that matched the description he's heard of, and the girls in the class would glance at him and giggle before whispering to each other. Frankie retreated to the back of the classroom to his spot as the professor began the class.

"Alright everyone, We're starting a new book, and we're pairing up to write a conjoined paper on it. This unit's book is Mary Shelley's Frankenstine, which I'll be handing out individual copies of as I pair you off."

Frankie didn't want to keep his hopes up, but his hopes failed him as he was unfortunately paired with the new kid, who Frankie then learned was named Billy Hargrove. He heard a collective sigh from the girls in the room as Billy's cool gaze met Frankie's, and their professor forced them all to move seats to sit with their partners.

Billy shuffled to the back of the room, dropping into the seat next to Frankie. "You good at writing?"

"Not really." Frankie deadpanned. "Could get us a B at the least."

"Not bad. I'll take it."

"We're writing it equally." Frankie spoke up, staring at Billy as he slouched back in his chair, arm propped up as he flipped through the book.

"Sure, sure." He drawled slowly. The room held a level volume as they all talked amongst themselves over the book, what parts were assigned to who. Frankie narrowed his eyes at Billy, taking his first decent look at him since he arrived at the school. His clothes were tight to his skin, his curly blond hair laying loosely over his shoulder. Frankie noticed an earring dangling from one of his ears.

Billy glanced up as he flipped through the pages, making eye contact with Frankie. Frankie flushed red as he smirked. "You're Frankie, right?"

"That's me." Frankie nodded.

"I'm sure you know who I am." Billy said, and Frankie raised an eyebrow. What a way to be humble.

"Anyway." He cleared his throat, closing the book and setting it on his desk. "I'm not having us meet tomorrow because it's Halloween. I'm sure we'll both be at some party in town. Does Thursday work?"

Billy shrugged. "Whatever."

"We'll just meet in the library here." Frankie suggested, and the blond shrugged again. The bull rung then, and Frankie sighed in relief as the class collected their things, and he raced out the door after everyone else, eyes open to find Jonathan.

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