18. multiple offenses of breaking & entering

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Frankie took each of the kids' home afterwards, and no one said a word the entire drive. El was the last to be dropped off at her cabin, and he noticed Hopper's cruiser or Luke's truck weren't in the driveway.

"Get some rest, okay, El?" Frankie said as she climbed out of the car.

"I will. Thank you." She murmured weakly, and Frankie watched as she made her way into the cabin. It was late when Frankie got home, maybe 11pm. His mother and father were asleep, and he noticed Stella wasn't home either, with her door wide open. Frankie collapsed onto his bed out of exhaustion, and when he closed his eyes, he could only see the flickering of the overhead lights.

His phone rang, and Frankie grumbled slightly as he reached over for it and grabbed it off the hook. He turned his head as he answered, so he didn't sound muffled by his pillow. "Hello?"

"Frankie! I've been trying to call you all night." Jonathan's voice spoke, and Frankie felt a wave of comfort at the sound of his voice.

"Sorry, I've been busy." Frankie responded. "What's up?"

"Do you want to come over? I miss you." Jonathan said. Frankie could tell there was something else in his voice that wasn't just longing, but unease too.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be right over." Frankie promised, and he hung up. It took a lot of effort to get out of his comfortable bed, and Frankie changed his outfit before he left. He didn't want to be in the same clothes they fought Billy in anymore.

The Byers house looked quiet when he got there, and once again, Joyce's car wasn't in the driveway. Frankie frowned. Sure, it was the summer, but after 11pm he didn't expect the parents to be out so late. Frankie wondered why all of them, Hopper, Joyce, and Luke, weren't home. He at least knew Will was home, he had only dropped him off about 30 minutes ago.

Frankie got out of his car and made his way to the side of the Byers house where Jonathan's window was. Usually, when it was late at night, Frankie came in through Jonathan's window to not wake up Joyce and Will by coming in through the door. Frankie knocked on the window and a second later it slid open.

Frankie leaned against the frame, smiling up at Jonathan, who smiled softly at him. "Hi."

"Hi." Jonathan responded. "Uh.. do you need help getting in?"

"Nah, give me a second." Frankie said. He backed up, and Jonathan did too, realizing what Frankie was about to do. With a running start, Frankie flung himself at the house, and he threw his torso around the frame of the window. Grimacing slightly, he pulled himself up and into the windowsill, swinging his legs around. Once he stood, he attempted to catch his breath, and he put his hands on his hips and grinned at Jonathan. "Ta-da."

Jonathan laughed, shaking his head. "You're such a dork."

"I know." Frankie smiled. Jonathan stepped forward, only a few feet away from Frankie. He reaches out towards Frankie and takes his arm, pulling him closer. Jonathan closed the space between them, making Frankie feel breathless upon the kiss. He kissed back, his hand sliding up Jonathan's arm, clasping itself to his shirt.

Jonathan's kisses seemed rushed, impatient. Partially stressed, wanting a break from the outside world. Frankie was his break. Jonathan's hand curled itself into the back of Frankie's hair, and Frankie pushed forward into him.

"Jon..." Frankie murmured, but Jonathan cut him off.

"Shh... I don't really wanna talk, okay? I just..."Jonathan shook his head, as their lips ghosted each others'. Instead, Jonathan leaned forward and kissed Frankie. Frankie's eyebrows furrowed but he shook it off internally and kissed him back, happy to have this interaction with him. He missed him.

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