11. frankie is grounded for eternity

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Light snow coated the grounds of Hawkins, Indiana, and talks of snow days drifted through the town, though Christmas break was only a few weeks away. Glancing out his window, Frankie debated on the weight of the hoodie he should wear to school, deciding his classic black and blue drug rug would be the move.

He was granted back his car keys on the condition that if he felt the need to disappear for three days again, he had to at least let his mom know in 24 hours. He sighed, guessing they'd never let him down. Out in the living room, Stella was lacing up her high top converse as his mother cooked herself and their father breakfast, and their father eyed him as he joined the family.

Frankie swung his keys around his finger, narrowing his eyes at his father as he had passed him. It hadn't been worse, but not necessarily better, since Frankie had Hopper lightly intervene. It was only a week later when things had gone back to the way they were, and Frankie had gotten his head slammed into the wall for losing his temper, resulting in a concussion that had him missing the next day of school.

He eventually got Stella out the door, and they arrived at the house on Cherry Lane. Frankie honked his horn, and a few seconds later, the redhead dashed out the door and ran around the side of the car, climbing into Frankie's back seat.

"Hey Max!" Stella beams, waving at her friend.

Max smiled softly at her. "Hey Stella, Frankie. Thanks again for the rides."

"No problem." Frankie agreed, backing out of the driveway and turning off toward the High School. After the events a month ago, Frankie had intervened and insisted that Max ride with him and Stella to school everyday, hearing the troubles Billy had given her, Steve, Luke and Nancy, and the way he terrorized her behind doors. He'd rather want Max to be safe than to let her suffer any further.

Frankie avoided his usual spot now in the lot as Billy claimed that area and he wanted less trouble for Max, and he saved himself some troubles by parking next to Jonathan's car. Stella and Max got out, both deep in conversation, heading off toward the middle school without a single word to Frankie.

Shutting off his car, Frankie noticed Jonathan wasn't in his car, and so Frankie assumed he was in the halls with the others. Since the last events, the group has genuinely gotten closer. Frankie spent most of his time at school with Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and Luke. He couldn't hang outside with them as he was still grounded, which sucked, but he dealt with it.

He wasn't sure if he should be worried about Nancy and Jonathan, though it seemed like they rarely hung out outside of school, which he was supposed was good for him. He thought about when Jonathan kissed him on the cheek almost daily since it had happened, his face flushing red at the thought. He's talked to Jonathan almost every day on the phone since, and Frankie has a feeling that Jonathan likes him too, though he hasn't confirmed anything. Maybe when they can hang out in person again, he'd get the confidence to ask.

Sure enough, he found the group hanging around by the cafeteria, talking together. Jonathan was the first to notice him. "Frankie!"

"Sorry I'm late, I was picking Max up." Frankie shrugged, and the group nodded, knowing why.

Steve glanced at Frankie. "Billy hasn't given you shit for it yet?"

"Nope. Surprisingly. I would've thought he'd bitch about it to me constantly." Frankie hummed. "But he's been gone every time I've gotten to their house to pick her up."

"That's good. I'm glad you're looking out for her like that." Nancy smiled softly.

"Someone has to." Frankie shrugged. He noticed Jonathan glance at him, and Frankie knew he was wondering how his situation with his father was going. Frankie pursed his lips together though he said nothing, and the group continued their discussions.

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