23. blister in the sun

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"Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana, a wonderful place to grow up, to raise your family, to walk your dog. But then. . . on July Fourth, everything changed. A terrible tragedy struck this small town, but this was not this small town's first brush with tragedy."

Frankie glanced at the small box TV that now sat in the corner of his room; he had bought it recently to distract himself from the sadness and tense atmosphere around his friends. The face of Hopper on a newspaper clipping stared back at him on the screen, and Frankie's thoughts fled to Luke momentarily, knowing the other teen was struggling with the death of his father. He patted the bud down tightly into the bowl before grabbing a nearby water bottle and pouring it into the center pipe.

"Mysterious deaths, government cover-ups, a bizarre chemical leak. Is it all linked? All a vast conspiracy? The fault of a disgraced, corrupt Mayor? Or is something more going on in the heartland? Can a town itself be cursed?"

Hawkins definitely was; there was no doubt about it. The fact that they were continuously dealing with these interdimensional demons, horrible people who just couldn't leave science alone. Frankie grabbed his lighter from next to him and lit the bowl before quickly placing his mouth over it and inhaling.

"Some believe a rise in Satanism is to blame. To find out, tune in tonight at 8pm for, "Horror in the Heartland" on Cutting Edge."

Pulling the bowl free, the smoke poured out of the bong and out his cracked window, as Frankie crunched into himself slightly and coughed. He fumbled for his water bottle again before taking a swig, and went back to lighting another bowl.

"Frank?" His father called, pounding on the door. Frankie choked midinhale and spluttered, coughing again as his eyes watered.

"Agh, hold on!" He exclaimed, rolling his bong under his bed for fanning at his incense to spread the smoke across the room, hoping it covers up. He scrambled up to his feet and opened his door partially, leaning on the doorframe as he stared at his father expectantly.

"What are you doing, locked away in your room?" Adam questions, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms as he peers at his son.

Frankie rolled his eyes. "Nothing. I'm an adult, I can do what I want."

"Not with that attitude." Adam scowled at him.

"I was doing just fine until you came in here looking to pick a fight." Frankie snapped, and he could see his lower eyelid twitch. Then, under his breath, but loud enough for Adam to hear, "I'm going to Jonathan's."

"No you're not!" Adam exclaimed, but Frankie had already turned back into his room and grabbed his keys, and was brushing past his father. "Frank! Come back here!"

Frankie ignored him and opened the front door. He knew there'd be consequences to his actions later, but at this moment, he just wanted Jonathan. When the door was closed and he was across the pavement to his car, he raised his hand back to the house and flipped it the middle finger.

Driving through Hawkins felt different now. Weird, now that so much has changed. It wasn't long before he was at Mirkwood, and pulling into the Byers driveway. Well, he parked on the edge of the street as their driveway was full now with Joyce and Jonathan's car and now Luke's truck habitated the space.

Frankie walked up the driveway, rounding the side of the house to Jonathan's room. He knocked against the window and the curtains pulled back. Jonathan faced him now and pushed open the window.

"Hey." He smiles softly.

"Hi." Frankie grinned. He climbed into the house, glancing around at Jonathan's partially empty room. Since Hopper had died and everything had been destroyed, Joyce had broken the news to everyone that the Byers would be moving come September. It had shattered Frankie, especially knowing that they weren't moving anywhere even close - to California - and it was weird, everytime he was at the home, knowing it was growing closer to being his last moment there, seeing the house slowly empty, and knowing that his ability to see Jonathan whenever he wanted was becoming limited.

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