06. operation expose HNL

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Frankie dreamt of interdimensional monsters as he slept. He didn't know what he was getting himself into; maybe he should listen to Nancy and run without looking back. Either choice he made, he knew there was no going back and he'd always know now of the terrors that lay beneath Hawkins.

Frankie's alarm beeps quietly at 8am; while Nancy and Jonathan had a plan on what to tell their parents, Frankie was new to this mess. Instead, he was just going to sneak out and deal with the consequences later. He's already gotten beaten and his car taken away — what's the worst that could happen?

He had dumped the contents of his bag onto his floor and shoved an assortment of clothes into it; Jonathan had said to bring PJs and a fresh set of clothes, they'd be back in at least two days.

Their plan was to drive to the journalist who lived in Illinois, the one that was helping Barb's parents discover the truth behind her murder. Apparently the man was close enough to the truth, but not the whole. So with Nancy and Jonathan's first hand experience, (and Frankie's commentary), they hoped he'd be able to help them take down Hawkins National Laboratory once and for all.

Frankie remembered to roll open his window this time — especially with the time of day it was, his father was surely awake, either getting ready for work or just leaving, and it'd be suspicious enough to why Frankie was leaving so early. He rolls out his window and falls onto the grassy ground, before glancing around cautiously and taking off down the street.

He could see Jonathan's car a healthy distance between his house and the Wheelers, and by the only figure behind the cloudy window, it looks like Frankie was there first. He waves as he approaches, and Jonathan smiles at him. Frankie pulled open the passenger door — shotgun, bitch — and climbed inside. He tosses his bag into the backseat.

"Hey." He exhaled softly, smiling at Jonathan.

"Hi. Your eye is better." Jonathan commented, reaching out and caressing underneath Frankie's eye. Frankie's breath hitched, and he refused to look at Jonathan out of fear of his reaction.

"Is it?" Frankie murmured, finally glancing up at him. "I hadn't noticed."

Jonathan looked at Frankie softly, his hand had grazed Frankie's on the counsel in between them. Frankie chewed on his lip anxiously before glancing out the window and watching as Nancy hurried toward them, carrying a night bag.

"Nancy's here." Frankie spoke.

"Hey." Jonathan greeted as she opened the backdoor, having noticed Frankie in the passenger seat next to him. Smugly, Frankie relaxed into the seat, slouching slightly and resting his knees against Jonathan's dashboard.

"Did you see your mom?" Nancy asked; despite being confident in their actions, she was still nervous about their families.

"No, I left a note though." Jonathan explained, and Nancy sighed softly. She glanced at Frankie. "What about you?"

"Oh, my family has no idea where I am." He exclaimed cheerfully. "I'll probably be grounded even more but — oh well."

Nancy glanced between the two. "You know you guys don't have to do this."

"Stop saying that." Jonathan says softly, knowing he wanted to help Nancy in the end. Frankie was just there for the long term ride; for the fun. He didn't care about the consequences or anything else at the moment.

They arrive at Forrest Hills park; twenty minutes shy of 9am. Frankie, Jonathan, and Nancy climb out of the car, glancing about as they cautiously sit at a park bench. A few families surround them, playing on the set.

"Jesus, it's busy for 9am." Frankie commented, glancing at the crowded park.

"It's fifteen past." Nancy murmured anxiously now, looking around the area for someone who could pass as a Hawkins National Lab staff. Frankie had no idea what they looked like; though he's seen sci-fi movies, and could probably guess based on the stereotypes.

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