04. it was a graveyard smash!

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Sitting in his car a block away from Tina's, Frankie had the mirror of his car flapped open as he dabbed brightly colored eye shadow to it. The outfit didn't really call for makeup, but he wanted to add it. His entire outfit was white too, so he really hoped he wouldn't spill anything on it, but it was a high school halloween party, so he doubted it'd stay clean.

Tossing the makeup pallette into his passenger seat, he climbed out of his car and made his way to the house. He scanned the cars as he walked by them, hoping to see some familiar ones. He noticed Steve's, so he assumed Steve and Nancy were there already, which maybe he could talk to them at least until Luke arrived. He and Luke had not managed to convince Jonathan to come during the school day, but at least he'd know Luke. Speaking of which, he spotted Luke's rusty old truck further down the road, and hoped he was inside already.

The house was warm when he stepped in, and it was packed like a can of sardines. A punch bowl was sat up in the kitchen, and Frankie helped himself to a cup. Facing the crowd, he could see Nancy and Steve dancing together, and they wore Risky Business costumes. A familiar face spotted Frankie, though his face too was also decked out in makeup, much more so than Frankie.

"Luke?!" Frankie exclaimed upon seeing the blond haired boy, who had a red and blue lightning bolt streaking across his face, and he wore a Bowie t-shirt with it, for anyone confused on who he was.

"Frankie!" Luke beamed, then eyeing his costume, "Or should I say Freddie Mercury?"

Frankie grinned widely, extending his arms out. He wore the classic 1970's Freddie Mercury costume, the white pants with the cape-like top. Folding his arms back in, he took a drink of his cup.

"You better hope you don't spill anything on that." Luke grimaced at the thought.

Frankie waved him off. "Eh, I probably won't wear it again after tonight anyway."

"I hate parties." Luke sighed, glancing around at the crowd that slowly grew.

"You're here though." Frankie pointed.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Captain Obvious. Well I wanted to go because I'm friends with you, and Nancy."

"What's so special about her?" Frankie wondered aloud, frowning as he looked across the room at her and Steve. They had their arms linked together, swinging about as they laughed. "All I've been hearing lately is Nancy this, Nancy that."

"Trust me, I thought the same as you last year." Luke hummed, taking a sip of his cup.

"What, do you like her too or something?" Frankie questioned sourly.

Luke's face turned red and he spluttered. "What? No way, definitely just friends." His eyes flicked toward the couple then too, and his face flushed red again. "Why don't you like her?"

"Jonathan talks about her a lot but she's never around us. Since I've been friends with him, I've talked to her twice. But he talks like she's godly or something, and I just don't get it if she's dating Steve Harrington." Frankie explained.

"Yeah. I'm sort of friends with him?" Luke said it like it was a question, and visibly cringed.

"You and Steve are friends?"

"Why are you shocked about it?" Luke questioned, glancing at Frankie quickly.

Frankie shrugged. "No offense, but he's like, way more popular than you are."

"Thanks." Luke murmured, though with the loudness of the music, Frankie barely heard him.

"Luke!" A voice called, and Steve Harrington bounded toward them through the crowd, clearly on a buzz. He grinned widely and his hand fell on Luke's shoulder, whose face flushed again.

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