14. starcourt mall

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The Hawkins Community Pool was busy as per usual, with the temperatures rising into the 90s and the humidity becoming unbearable. The cicadas crowed around the pool, the sound making it feel hotter somehow. He drummed his fingers against the edge of his tower he sat atop, and through the colored lenses of Frankie's sunglasses, he watched out for the kids below.

Today was one of the rare days that Jonathan wasn't scheduled at the Hawkins Post, so after work, Frankie was swinging by the Byers house and picking Jonathan up. They were gonna head to the Starcourt Mall; the new bright and shiny mall that had been put up just a few months ago.

Frankie really hadn't had the opportunity to go recently, and he wanted to check it out. He knew Luke and Steve had gotten jobs there, Steve worked at the ice cream parlor and Luke worked at Spencer Gifts. He knew both teens enjoyed their jobs, well, Steve less so, as he had to endure what he complained was his overly annoying coworker that he shared all his shifts with. Unlike the pool, in a smaller location like that, it was easier to staff less people.

Frankie had his six other coworkers â€" Adam, Katie, Zoe, Freddy (who was the manager), Heather, and then Billy, whom for multiple reasons, Frankie still strongly disliked. Especially with the recent addition of the mothers of the pool flirting with Billy, and Billy basking in the attention, Frankie thought it was gross. He was pretty sure Freddy and Zoe had something between them, Zoe was always practically clinging onto Freddy and batting her lashes at him while twirling her hair. Frankie also thought that Heather had something for Billy, but it was probably just the fact that Heather was nice to everyone, and he couldn't comprehend anyone liking that douche.

Glancing at his wrist watch, Frankie noticed he had about ten minutes left of his shift. Thank god, he thought, he felt like he was being fried alive. Climbing down from his tower, he strode past the group of mothers who strategically placed themselves to watch Billy make his way to the stands. Frankie joined the group of staff, turning to Freddy now and handing him the equipment.

"Hey, I'm off in 10." Frankie told him, tapping his watch.

Freddy glanced at Frankie and shrugged. "If you wanna head out already you can."

"Alright, cool." Frankie agreed, retreating into the interior of the building to clock out. Frankie was lucky that most of the summer he was able to work with Adam, Katie, and Heather, leaving him to avoid Billy, and Freddy and Zoe â€" who he liked less than the others. He felt like Freddy and Zoe judged him for how he is, Freddy had graduated with Frankie this past spring and Zoe was an upcoming senior.

He grabbed his keys off the staff hooks, and headed out into the parking lot towards his car. Frankie's music drifted through the speakers as he drove, the windows up this time to fight off the summer heat. Arriving into the driveway of the Byers house, Frankie honked his horn to announce his presence.

A few seconds later, Jonathan came outside, wearing light jeans and a button up tshirt. He climbed into Frankie's car, and Frankie smiled at him as he buckled in. "Hi."

"Hi." Jonathan responded, smiling too, and slightly breathless. Frankie leaned in and gave him a quick kiss before backing out of the driveway.

"How is the world of Jonathan Byers today?" Frankie asked.

"It's okay. Will's excited because Dustin comes back from camp tomorrow and they're planning a surprise party for him. I guess Steve and Luke have been sneaking them into movies all summer so they're going to see one." Jonathan explained. Frankie nodded as he listened to him talk; he loved how Jonathan loved his family so much and talked about them constantly, he was truly selfless in that sense, that he'd do anything for his loved ones and rarely thought about himself and his benefits.

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