Chapter 1: Not having a good day huh?

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Shinso's pov

I was just walking the hallways of the school, my backpack slung across my shoulder and my hand in my pocket. "Hey." I heard Jiro say from in front of me. Why is she talking to me? She shouldn't be talking to me, because it'll ruin her reputation. You see, I am that kid in school, the kid who you just stay away from and don't like. I don't want her to experience the same things I do. I sighed knowing she won't leave me alone. "Hey." I said walking while talking. I had no destination in particular, I just like walking the halls, especially when it's empty. "Not having a good day huh?" She asked. Even though I wasn't looking at her I could tell that she crossed her arms. It's a habit of ours really...

Not really...  I sometimes like being alone. And having no friends to bother me when I don't want to be bothered. But other times, I just wish I had one friend that wasn't my sister. My sister is Jiro by the way... But I didn't know how to answer her question, so I just grunted. The bell started ringing loudly in my ear. Ugh I hate that bell. I have sensitive hearing and it hurts my ears. Suddenly a gush of students came running out of their classrooms and into the hallway where I stood, like a Zoo break just happened. I quickly moved to the side where the lockers were and pulled Jiro by the arm beside me, so we wouldn't get trampled. Suddenly it was quiet...

"OH HEY JIRO!" An annoying voice said. I flinched his voice hurting my ears. I glared at him. More like a protective glare than a mad glare. "Jiro who's this?" The annoying guy asked pointing to me. His voice seeming much more calm.

"Oh yeah! You two haven't met yet. This is my brother Hitoshi Shinso. Shinso this is Denki Kaminari, my friend and nothing more." Jiro said.

"Ohhh! Well it was nice meeting you Shinso, but I have to get to class before I'm late. And you don't want to be late for that teachers class, he's ruthless." Kaminari said mocking a shiver, before leaving. He seems ok I guess... I stared down the hallway where he had just gone down. Something felt off... I looked beside me and saw Jiro staring at me with her eyes sparkling.

"What is it? Do I have something on my face or what?" I asked getting a little weirded out by her staring.

"You like Kaminari!" She blurted out excitedly. What is she on about? No I don't. I literally just met him. And I don't think I'm gay.

"Yes you do! You just don't know it yet!" She said just as excitedly.

"Are you a Fujoshi?" I asked curiously.

"Like I'd tell you! Ugh fine yes I am!" Jiro said. Knew it... That explains her excitedness. I don't know if I like him like that or not, but what I do know is that I do want to get to know him more.

To be continued...

Hope y'all like it...

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