Chapter 8: Denki's confusion

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Kami's pov

Why in the hell did I kiss him on the Lips?! I could've just kissed him on the cheek, I mean Jiro did give me the option to, but I didn't.. Why? I think I made him uncomfortable... I'll have to apologize next time I see him. I feel so bad and confused. I just feel like going home and sleeping, sleeping has always been relaxing to me. If I have something on my mind I would just go to sleep. I started leaving Sero's house. "Heyyy~" Mina yelled. I turned around to look at her, she seemed happy. Unlike me right now.

"How was the b-day party?" She asked. It was good up until the part where I slept with Shinso. I'm pretty sure something happened, just don't know what.

"Yeah I did, it was fun." I said smiling. She doesn't need to know all that stuff though.

"Thank Sero, none of this would have happened without him." Mina said smiling.

"I'm sure it would've been better. You're a great party planner."  Sero said rubbing his neck and smiling. I could tell he totally likes Mina. I smiled genuinely at that. Mina giggled.

"Awe thanks Sero, and you're a great host." Mina said. Yep they like each other.

"Just date already..." I mumbled.

"What was that, Kami?" Mina asked now looking at me and not Sero.

"Hmm? Oh I said I'm gonna go home." I said.

"It didn't sound like that, but ok." Mina said. She definitely heard me. I said bye to Sero and left to the bus stop. I waited for the bus. I thought about what I did. The bus came, I got on.

I made it home. "Where have you been?" My mom asked in a worried tone. I just wanted to sleep and didn't want to deal with this.

"I'm tired, Mom..." I said simply.

"W-why are you ok?" She asked worriedly.

"I'm okay, Mom. Just tired." I said.

"Ok, son. Go to sleep." Mom said sweetly. I smiled slightly.

"Thanks Mom." I said before walking to my room. As soon as I closed the door I plopped on my bed and let out a long groan.

What exactly did I do last night? And why did I kiss Shinso on the lips?

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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