Chapter 4: Hungover/What did I do last night?

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Shin's pov

Jiro had dragged me to this party. Apparently it's a birthday party for her friend. I don't really like parties and I wasn't really invited by the people there, Jiro was invited. I wasn't... But she had brought me since she didn't want me to feel left out because I wasn't invited. To be honest, I'm kinda used to it. Not being invited to events, or not being included. I'm used to it. I had decided long ago that I don't need friends I just need my sister. She's the only one who cares. "Oh Sero. I hope you don't mind but I brought someone." Jiro said snapping me out of my thoughts. I guess he's the parties host? He looked nice. "Nah its okay. The more the merrier, Mina always says." Sero said before laughing. "Thanks Sero. Well let me introduce you. This is my brother Hitoshi Shinso." Jiro said. I rolled my eyes. Why does she always have to use my full name when introducing me? "Hey man!" Sero said putting his hand up in the air. What's this? What's he doing? "Ohk not a high five guy huh?" Sero asked lowering his arm. I have no idea what he was doing. I looked behind Sero for a second and saw a bright yellow color. Oh it's a person. And there was another person who had pink hair. They walked up to us. Oh great more people... I backed up a bit so they wouldn't see me and start talking to me.

"Hey Sero! Thanks for holding the party here." The yellow blonde said. I've seen him somewhere before.

"Nah no problem! My parents are gone for tonight so it's not a big deal." Sero said calmly.

"Jiro. Can I talk to you?" I asked. I really wanted to go home. I didn't feel comfortable here. We went somewhere private. I heard someone yell.

Denki's pov
The next day
Sero's house.

I woke up, the room I was in was bright and my head hurt. I was on a bed. Why did I drink!? I knew I shouldn't have. I rustled in the bed with my hand looking for my phone, until I felt something I wasn't expecting. Someone was beside me. I was scared to look, but I did anyway and saw the purple spikey haired dude. What happened last night? This is weird... I can't remember anything at all. I've had a bad feeling ever since yesterday. The guy groaned and turned over, gripping a pillow. 'That's kinda cute.' I thought smiling. Huh what did I just think!? He is most certainly not cute! He's more dull than cute. I was about to leave, but got hugged by the waist by the guy.

What did I do last night?

To be continued...

Hope y'all like it...

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