Chapter 11

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3rd person POV
A couple of months later...
Emery was sitting down on the couch in between her nonno and nonna being squeezed and cuddled by them both. James and Amalia were both cooking dinner, while their 2 sons were sat down on the breakfast bar table talking to their parents about their days and about random things. James and Amalia were making a chicken soup with dumplings as it was a family favourite. Emery was content cuddling her grandparents and getting a foot massage like a princess from her nonno while her head is resting in her nonna's boobs.
James announced, "Dinners ready!! Come on everyone come to the table, Emery bubba would you like to have some soup today it's very yummy?"
Emery replied "Okay papa, but little bit and I'm feeling tired"
James smirked and questioned, "Hmm, I wonder why and who made you feel so sleepy?" and he softly chuckled after. Amalia was dishing up James and her father in law (FIL) and her 2 son's plate. Emery sat down next to her papa waiting patiently and observed her papas big bowl of soup with dumplings and James could see the inquisitiveness in his daughter's eyes. Emery thanked her mama and naturally cuddled her papas arm as she took her first bite. The whole family were patiently waiting for Emery's reaction as Emery doesn't usually eat any solids with her family as she prefers breastmilk but Amalia wants her daughter to get enough nutrients so her medical condition doesn't worsen. Amalia's and James face had a look of relief when Emery took her next bite and Luciano and Adriano were both distracting Emery by making silly jokes about their papa and teasing their papa, James. By the end of dinner, everyone made sure to lightly praise Emery for eating her dinner and Emery lightly flushed and cutely whined into her papas chest whose chest was rumbling from laughter at his daughter's shy state.

After dinner, everyone went to bed because everyone had important meetings, work and school the next day. Emery was not happy at all to join her online school, however her brothers both promised after she finishes online school and they finish their meeting, all 3 siblings will go McDonald's to get McFlurry and milkshake and chicken nugget meal for Emery and some food the rest of the family too. Emerys nonno and nonna both had a meeting which was very important and had to attend it with their son James and daughter in law Amalia.
After Emery finished online school, Emery went to her room and forgot that her mama went with her papa, nonno and nonna to the meeting. Then, Emery texted her mama "Mamaaaa I miss youu, how long? Me and bubbas are going to McDonald's, Can I pleaseeeee get McFlurry and a milkshake pleaseeeeeee?"
Amalia replied, "I miss you too my baby but no you can't get 2 desserts okay? If you eat all you dinner with us this week, then mama will get you all the dessert in McDonald's okay?"
Emery began crying and called her papa on FaceTime who paused the important meeting and Amalia rolled her eyes and said "James NO!" before James took the call and his face showed confusion
James heart broke as heard his daughter's cries that her mama refused that she can't get all the dessert, and James understood why Amalia said no. So then, James made a deal and told Emery that if she eats her dinner everyday, then he will buy her a McFlurry every night on his way home from work. Amalia was worried for her daughter's eating pattern and she was stressed and felt annoyed at James for some reason and didn't speak to him. After the meeting ended, James knew his wife was worried about their daughter and was feeling anxious that her daughter cried because of her mama. James' parents said to James and Amalia that they will be having dinner with their friends in a restaurant today and will be staying at a hotel as their friends have fled from different countries.
James silently walked to his SUV and Amalia silently got into the car and sniffled and once James reach their home he got out of the car and carried his wife into the house. Amalia was softly crying and telling James, "James she cried for her McDonald's dessert and she won't eat her solids. It's not normal for a 11 year old to be drinking her mamas breastmilk and she's growing older she needs some sort told solid in her system. I love breastfeeding my baby, and will do it till the day she stops herself but I feel like my milk isn't enough nutrients for her, even though her doctor advised that she should be on a strict breastmilk diet and slowly introduce solids as she gets too her teen."
James wrapped his wife's legs around his waist as they were both on the sofa and he put both of their foreheads together and said "Baby shhh, calm down we don't need you to worry okay the doctor said she's allowed too and plus Adriano moniters her health on a weekly basis and reports back that she's making progress gradually which is a good sign! Emery is fine and will be absolutely fine, look she's gone out with her brothers to McDonald's and I told her she can get one dessert but everyday if she eats her dinner then I will reward her with desserts."
Amalia cuddled her husband and said "God why do you always say the right things, you make me feel like a teenager all in love again"
They both began kissing each other and James bit Amalia's lip, to get access to her mouth and he worked his tongue in Amalia's mouth as they kissed. They both stripped out of their clothes and roughly kissed each other and caressed their body. James threw Amalia on the large comfy couch and shoved his fingers inside her wet pussy which was already drilling in precum. James was curling his fingers inside her pussy and dug his fingers inside and kept hitting her g spot and after James countdown from 5, Amalia cummed everywhere on the sofa and was panting. Afterwards, without any warning James shoved his thick and hard dick inside his wife's creamy and wet pussy and rammed into it recklessly and kept hitting her G spot which felt like a small bead swollen from increase in hormones. James and Amalia both counted "1,2..3" and both cummed all over the couch and all over Emerys favourite blanket which she wraps herself around everyday no matter what. Emery entered the house, just as her parents cummed all over the couch and her favourite blanket which she did not see under her mamas back. Emery straight away said "Mama and Papaaaa you guys did the EWWYYY!! Mamaaa look I got my Ice cream and guess what mama bubba said I'm his princess so I get to have his McFlurry and MINE!!!"
James and Amalia both deflated on the sofa and chuckled at their daughter who was aware of her parents cum all over the couch. Amalia gestured to her daughter to come and cuddle her and her papa, and Emery ran to her mama and showed her empty boxes of McFlurry and began sucking her mamas milk from her nipple without any warning- and Amalia's breath hitched because she was so sensitive but horny and James shoved his dick into his wife's pussy and made sure to not let her breath as he roughly poured in and out of her and all you could hear was his balls slapping against Amalia's pussy and Emerys sucking. Luckily, the boys went to another important meeting, and so Amalia and James had many rounds and cummed all over the couch.
Afterwards, Amalia cleaned the whole sofa but look at James who had his sleeping daughter cradled in his arms with a worried face. Amalia and James both decided they can't put it in the wash otherwise Emery will be screaming her lungs out and sobbing her little brat out when she doesn't have her "blankie" wrapped around her in the evening. Amalia tried to remove all of the cum of her daughter's blanket and left it on the drying rack- but all you could smell was cum from her blanket. Emerys foot was covered with tonnes of cum from her mama and papa and she was soundlessly sleeping on her papas chest and her mama quietly cleaned the living room and couch as the father and daughter both take a long nap.


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