Chapter 16: The Hunt Begins

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Bang's Dojo No POV

Wade was at Bang's Dojo as he was kind of scared as he just witnessed Bang beat the living hell out of Charanko.

Bang: what is it now? Come on! Get up! Tell me, Charanko, have you learned nothing in the past six months? When first I made you one of my disciples, I said to train like your life depended on it. I don't think your skills will ever improve. You've no talent for the Martial Arts! You are hereby expelled from the dojo. Never return!

Bang turned to Wade.

Bang: your turn.

Bang went towards Wade as Wade moved out of the way quickly and turned around to block an attack from Bang as Bang was being relentless on his attacks as Wade has definitely gotten faster land stronger but Bang had years of experience so he stayed on the defensive mostly while Bang was going full offensive as Wade was holding his ground as he knew Bang was waiting for Wade to throw just one attack to counter and just decimate him so instead of aiming for the upper body he aimed for the legs but Bang moved his leg out of the way when Wade tried to kick him.

Bang kicked Wade in the face and went to wail on Wade but Wade moved out of the way to dodge his attacks as he was gaining some distance from Bang but Bang kept trying to attack him so he finally stood his ground and attacked as he hit Bang once in the face and that's it as Bang jumped away and held his hand up.

Bang; good. Wade you have improved a lot, you were not using your powers and you still managed to at least stand your ground and land a hit. Good job.

Wade: thank you, Master. But why evaluate us now?

Bang; because I'm gonna be gone for a while and I wanted to see if you were ready to continue your training on your own. You are not expelled, Wade. You can leave now.

Bang walked away to probably his room and as soon as he left, Wade looked at Charanko and helped him up.

Charanko: why is Master doing this?

Wade: I'm not sure.

Charanko; maybe we should ask Demon Cyborg and the baldy.

Wade: I doubt they'll know why he's like this.

Wade flew himself and Charanko to Saitama's apartment as they told everything to Saitama and Genos but they also told everything to even Fubuki, who was eating some panda cookies, and King, who was playing a video game on Saitama's TV. Wade sat next to Charanko as he saw that Lily was not here and he didn't see Eyelashes and Mountain Ape outside so his conclusion was that they woke up and went home with Lily.

Genos; Bang is acting strangely?

Charanko; that's right. He changed our training to full-contact, and he- he beat me mercilessly. He'd been so kindhearted before. There's something going on. And I was hoping you guys would know what that something might be.

Genos; I do not know.

Fubuki:<still eating Panda cookies> Bang, like the Class-S Hero, SilverFang?

Saitama:<doesn't say anything>

King; don't know if you saw, but we're kinda trying to play games here.

Charanko:<thought> I guess the group has grown.

Fubuki: Wade, you don't look beaten up.

Wade: I managed to defend myself well from his attacks. Mostly went on the defensive.

Genos; however, I can make an educated guess. It probably has to do with Garou.

Charanko; Garou?! The guy who was kicked out of our dojo? What'd he do?

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