Chapter 7: The Siren Song

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Percy was really good at sailing. He was a complete pro at this for just finding out about it. I suppose that is how it works for the big 3 demigods. Annabeth tried to help keep a lookout but Sailing didn't agree with her. She got seasick. I had to help her lie down in a hammock down below. 

I went above the deck and stood with Percy. We passed a smoking volcano island after midnight. "One of the forges of Hephaestus," I said. "Where he makes his metal monsters."

"The bronze bulls that invaded camp while you were gone."

"Go around... Far around." 

Percy listened and went around. He wasn't going to question it. 

"Is it cold?" Percy asked. 

"What?" I questioned. 

"You and Annabeth ran in those dresses. It's a cold night tonight. Are you cold?"

I had nearly forgotten about the dresses. "It's cold," I answered honestly. "I didn't realize it from being so distracted."

Percy took off his jacket and put it on me. A faint blush crept on my face. "Thank you," I smiled. Thank the gods it was dark. 

"You should get some sleep. I can take over from here for a bit."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

 "Think of it as a thank you for borrowing your jacket. You can get under the covers and rest. He hesitated but ended up accepting the offer. I had a chance to relax with Annabeth earlier at the spa. Percy clearly did not. However, he came back up with a few blankets and a pillow. "I told you that I wasn't going to leave you," He said, making the makeshift bed on the floor by my feet. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. "Goodnight."

It was probably around 6 or 7 in the morning. We were approaching the island of the sirens. I looked down ready to wake up Percy but he was talking in his sleep. He was panicking. You could tell he was having a nightmare. 

"Percy wake up..." 

Percy Jackons' POV

I didn't dream about Grover

Instead, I found myself back in Luke's stateroom aboard the Princess Andromeda. The curtains were open. It was nighttime outside. The air swirled with shadows. Voices whispered all around me—spirits of the dead.

'Beware', they whispered. 'Traps. Trickery.'

Kronos's golden sarcophagus glowed faintly. The only source of light in the room. A cold laugh startled me. It seemed to come from miles below the ship. 'You don't have the courage, young one. You can't stop me.' I knew what I had to do. I had to open that coffin. I uncapped Riptide. Ghosts whirled around me like a tornado. 'Beware!' My heart pounded. I couldn't make my feet move, but I had to stop Kronos. I had to destroy whatever was in that box. Then a girl spoke right next to me. "Well, Seaweed Brain?" I looked over, expecting to see Annabeth, but the girl wasn't Annabeth. She was the only one to call me that. She wore punk-style clothes with silver chains on her wrists. She had spiky black hair, dark eyeliner around her stormy blue eyes, and a spray of freckles across her nose. She looked like a punk, emo version of Alexis.  "Well?" she asked. "Are we going to stop him or not?" I couldn't answer. I couldn't move. The girl rolled her eyes. Oh yeah, she's definitely related to Alexis. "Fine. Leave it to me and Aegis." She tapped her wrist and her silver chains transformed flattening and expanding into a huge shield. It was silver and bronze, with the monstrous face of Medusa protruding from the center. It looked like a death mask as if the gorgon's real head had been pressed into the metal. I didn't know if that was true, or if the shield could really petrify me, but I looked away. Just being near it made me cold with fear. I got a feeling that in a real fight, the bearer of that shield would be almost impossible to beat. Any sane enemy would turn and run. The girl drew her sword and advanced on the sarcophagus. The shadowy ghosts parted for her, scattering before the terrible aura of her shield. "No," I tried to warn her. But she didn't listen. She marched straight up to the sarcophagus and pushed aside the golden lid. For a moment she stood there, gazing down at whatever was in the box. The coffin began to glow. "No." The girl's voice trembled. "It can't be." From the depths of the ocean, Kronos laughed so loudly that the whole ship trembled. "No!" The girl screamed as the sarcophagus engulfed her in a blast of golden light.

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