Chapter 1: My Time With Luke

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August 18th was nothing too special for me since my mom had died. Percy has the same birthday as me and after everything we wanted to celebrate together for the first time. I was excited. I haven't celebrated since I was 10 years old. I remember it was tough on my mom for birthdays. She'd always give me a present and a cupcake every year. She told me that's how birthdays usually are but hearing my friends say they got many things and a big cake. I quickly realized that it wasn't normal. It never bothered me though. I still loved the one present and a cupcake to split with my mom. She always put a lot of thought into everything she did. 

Now I just turned 12 officially. I usually tell people that I'm already the age I turned to avoid birthdays with others. Percy and Grover were the first ones to know. Mainly cause Grover was in the school's office and found my file on a desk. I was prepared to celebrate with Percy and his mom. It was their invitation for me to join and celebrate. However, fate had other plans. Because now he was dead...It was so hard to wrap my head around that.

Nearing the end of July, Luke and his corrupted team decided to kidnap me. I was being taken while kicking and screaming. I wasn't going to go without a fight. 

I sat here on a boat. I know we aren't moving because I overheard them saying to get more food from the docks. They knew better than to put me on the land cause then I'd make sure the earth would swallow them whole. I would use some of my other powers but they put me in these chains by my ankles. They prevent me from doing anything. I'm like a regular mortal with them on my ankles. I don't even know all of my powers and this would be the time to test them out! 

"So, I have a confession," Luke said as he sat beside me. 

"What is it?" 

"The note that I wrote. I wrote it as you saying you went back down to the Underworld to patch things up with your father."

I honestly should have seen that coming. Luke wouldn't admit to kidnapping me. I'm not even sure if I'm worth a quest to be saved. I shrugged and didn't say anything to him. Besides, I was only gone for a few weeks. They probably will think I decided to stay there year-round. It wouldn't have mattered anyway. Percy would have been he only one to look for me. Annabeth and Grover wouldn't have much say in what to do about me from camp. 

"I have a present for you," He told me. He placed in front of me a slide of birthday cake and a book. The book was on Kronos. On this whole boat, Luke was the only semi-nice one to me. As long as he wasn't angry. Everyone else was plain cruel and they will stay that way unless I decide to join them. That's the last thing I would rather do. "Thank you for the piece of cake," I told him. I wasn't about to thank him for the book. If he thinks this will help his case then he's delusional. 

"You're welcome Th- Alexis." 

I should start counting how many times he was going to call me Thalia. 

*** *** *** 

We were back on the sea now. They put the magic shackles on my wrists so I could walk around the boat. I admit that I did read the book on Kronos. Only because I was so bored and depressed. The days seemed to ger repetitive... The book. Well, it didn't change my mind on anything. However, I have been gone for 3 months now. I know why no one from camp would be trying to look for me. But if my father really cared then why hasn't he tried to help me? 

I know that I sided with my friends over him. I understood he was upset about that. I just thought that he would be more upset by the fact I was being kidnapped and not entirely safe. He always talked about being more progressive but I suppose either old habits are hard to break or he was full of it. I was slapped awake by one of Luke's team members. "Why don't you take these off me and we can actually fight? I can promise you wouldn't be laughing when I'm kicking your ass." 

The guy just kicked me down to the ground. I couldn't move out of the way in time. It wasn't really much of a choice cause I was near a wall. The guy walked away. I sat up and leaned my back against the wall. I hate this team. Why do they think this would be the way to recruit me? 

*** **** ***

The only thing that willed me to keep going was to go say goodbye to wherever Percy may be buried. I still had Grover and Annabeth. I decided to change my approach. I was lying down on the blankets they had given me. I had a makeshift bed with one pillow. I was pretending to read one of the books on Kronos. I've been doing this for the past month now. It's gotten the guys to stop using me as a human punching bag. Luke tried to tell them to stop but they didn't listen. Eventually, I got the hint not to continue telling Luke what they were doing cause it gotten worse. 

In this month, I confided in Luke. I told him how angry I was with my dad. How he spent the first ten years of my life ignoring me. How even after death I wasn't allowed to see my mother for some reason. How angry I was that Zeus allowed Thalia to continue life as a tree. For some reason, I thought that I was acting. I quickly realized that I wasn't. I knew that beyond the anger. I was hurt and I was in pain. Confiding in Luke was like therapy. However, he tried to get me to make matters worse by joining Kronos. 

I wasn't stupid. 

But he was. 

*** *** ***

I never outright said I'd join Luke to bring back Kronos. 

One day after Christmas time, I earned enough of his trust to be allowed to roam the boat without the magical shackles on. Let's just say that was the day all the beatings stopped. They must know something about my powers that I don't because they have years of training and more experience than I do most likely for a sword fight. 

Luke started to look at me weirdly. He still has his slips by calling me Thalia now and then. I just learned to pretend I didn't hear it. I was walking around his boat. We were heading for a dock. Unfortunately, they were going to chain me again. That usually happens whenever we're near land. 

I managed to be inside one of the rooms on board. I opened a drawer and found a journal. I opened it to the page that was marked. My eyebrows furrowed as I realized it was Luke's diary. I sat down on the edge of the bed and opened it to the marked page. 

It was only a month ago of Thalia's passing. The days are growing harder with each passing moment. It's so weird to see the sun shining because it feels like it shouldn't. It feels wrong. Annabeth loves to visit her tree but it's harder for me. The Gods did this. They could have done anything to help but they just let her die. Now she's in a tree state out of pity. 

As I continued reading, I realized that Luke had a crush on Thalia. It made so much sense why he kept calling me Thalia. Skipping over pages throughout the years. His hate for the gods seemed to be growing worse. It seemed like he never had the help in getting over Thalia either. He seemed to be in love with the idea of her. He was stuck on the what-ifs. 

Hearing footsteps, I shoved the diary back in the drawer and stood up. I've dealt with Luke mad. It's not pretty. I could use this as leverage. He's trying to use me as a replacement for my sister. However, as Luke walked into his room. His eyes landed on me. "What are you doing in here?" He was trying to remain cool. 

"I was wandering around trying to find you," I answered. "I didn't know whose bedroom this was and the second I realized it wasn't vacant-" I gestured to the suitcase on the wall. "I turned to leave. It was just my luck you walked in. I assume this is your room?" I asked innocently. 

You should see his body relax in relief from my answer. "Yeah, it's mine. What were you looking for me for?" 

"I was wondering if I could have lunch with you today," I answered quickly. I didn't really think too much of a plan. It was just whatever fell off my tongue. You could see a genuine smile on his face. "Sure, I'm starving." 

I can't be that cruel to him. I can do many things but I won't use my sister in this way. She may not know what he's been up to but I'd like to think we'd both know it's not right. 

Alexis Solstice Escapes To The Sea Of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now