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We're here. In the pack of Dark Angel. People say it's name is so because it has the oldest witch. She's about 150 years old. I think my pack should have a witch as well.

"God, I can smell my mate." Luke sniffed in the air. Nova nudged his elbow in his stomach and laughed. He's so eager to find his mate.

The meeting's going to start in few minutes but this headache of mine won't go. Why the fuck is my wolf behaving so strange? He's creating hovoc in my head, jumping here and there.

What's wrong with you?

Mate. Mate. I can feel her here.

NO! Not here. Not now. Not so soon.
I am not ready to face her. It's so... Frustrating. I don't really want to see my other half here, in middle of pack meetings.

People around me were moving, talking to themselves. Alphas, Betas and Gammas were everywhere. The volcano roared once more, signaling we need to do something soon.

"Hey, do you know Alpha Isaac's daughter is also here?" I heard a man mumbling.

"Yes," the other answered, "What was her name again? Heck! I don't remember. I heard she's cursed."

"Yes, she is. And I even heard she's not his own daughter." He laughed. "She must be result of her mother's dirty deeds."

"Yes, that can be the reason why she is cursed. I even heard she cannot have a mate. She is so weak and skinny. Why would any man want her?"

What I just heard again? Cursed? By a witch? What's her curse? Is it just like my father?

I won't like to meet this cursed girl. Not when I know what happened years ago.

The meeting room was well, nice. Alphas were present. Everything was surreal here. The volcano, cursed girl and most of all, history repeating. Exact after 20 years?

Go.. go .. I smell mate. She's here.

He purred inside my head and licked his face. He's so excited.

We won't jump on her, you understand? Wait. I don't want to see her here.

You idiot human! You have no idea how stupid you are. Why do I have to be your wolf? It would be better to be wolf of a cat.

Cats are not wolves you dog. Now shut up.

"Alpha Issac." Nova gained my attention. Alpha Issac stood in front of me, tall and handsome. In his side stood Luna Hazel, her eyes same as her name. I wonder how their daughter look like. Cursed daughter.

"Alpha Theo!" We both bowed to each other. "Welcome to my pack, Dark Angel. I hope you like it here." I smiled at him. "Yes, I will."

"Let's go inside. The meeting is going to start." Luna suggested.


The fuck! They all accepted. They all demolished the war. Yes!

Still, this headache. "Aahh"

"Hey, Alpha?" Nova rubbed my back. "Are you okay?"

Mmm.. "I don't know Nova. My wolf is torturing me. He's saying we are going to find our mate."

Luke perked up his ears. "Did I heard mate?"
Not again.

"Yes, since we came here. He can smell our mate near us." I groaned. I don't want it. I don't want a mate.

Nova smiled at me and exchanged a look with Luke. "We are going to get a luna?" He asked.

"Stop joking Nova! You know I don't want a mate like this. What if she's not good enough for Luna? What if she's weak? What if she doesn't knows how to handle a pack? What if-"

"-she's good enough for you?" Nova intrupted. "Theo, she's your mate, not your pack's. She is the one for you. What if she can handle you? Give you the comfort you need? Mate Theo, she'd be your mate for crying out loud." He spoke.

Was... Was he saying right?

Listen to him you idiot human. He knows how it feels to be with his mate. God, I feel so jealous when I heard him making out with his mate and-

You heard them making out? Pervert.

-they did the process of making pups.

How the fuck you know?

His wolf was braging about it.

He wiggled his tail and sat down in circle. These animals have their own brain. And they are horny 24/7. I suddenly want to know how often people do it. Daily? They have such a strong stamina. But they won't use it during war.

Ofcourse, because they are not interested in wars but very much interested in mating.


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