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We packed our bags and everything necessary for our little journey. It'll take around 12 hours to reach Ranger pack of we leave early. We'll reach before night.

I looked at him back just to find Zuri packing some of her clothes. She had her hair in a long single braid with little strands falling on her face. She looked so magnificent in my eyes I can't explain.

Here's the thing, I knew I'm falling. I already have. Maybe the moment I saw her or even before that. Her story always kept me wondering about her.

Curses and witches! Sounds too unbelievable, right? But we all are creatures made by nature. Some don't believe in existence of werewolves as well.

I've done everything to avoid her since the day I met her. It's not because I thought she might destroy me or my pack, it's because I knew I'll be on my knees for her. I didn't wanted to risk my hard exterior to be broken down so easily.

Now, I'm going to destroy everything if it means she's safe.

I cleared my throat and she looked at me with same passion. That look froze me on my tracks. I'll never be enough of her.

"Should we leave, my Alpha?" She asked, teasing a little. A soft smile brightening all of her face. My heart threatened to come out of my chest. I don't know what this is, but ever since we accepted eachother, I can't get her out of my damn mind. She's everywhere.

I smiled back. "Yes, my Luna!" I intertwined my fingers with her and accompanied.


Luke and Nova were already there when we reached our pack borders. Luke, as always packed his teddy bear too. "What?! I have nothing to cuddle with." He complained.

He's such a baby sometimes. I wish his mate is nothing like him.

"Okay everyone. Now listen." All of them were allert. "Ranger pack is not that far. We'll be on our foot. The track is not filled with much food so I hope you all have something to eat."

"Yes alpha!" They replied.

Lucy was not here but I hope she's fine.

We moved on our way.


Just few hours later, Luke fell down, taking deep breaths. "Drinks break, please." I huffed while replying, "fine. Not for long."

Beside me I saw Zuri panting too. Maybe it was a long way. We covered most of it. The sun shone too brightly on our heads. I took her backpack to which she protested. "Hey, give it back. I can walk."

"Yes yes.. I can clearly see that." I rolled my eyes. "A break guys!" I announced. Nova and Luke cheered from behind. Luke took out a box of sausages out and starts looking around.

"Fire. I need fire."

"You'll burn down the forest. No." Said Nova.

Luke made a disgusting face at him. Sometimes I wonder how did both of them ended up being my beta and gamma until I remember it was me who choose them.

Zuri helped him with the fire and we all ate in silence.

Luke looked at Zuri and thought for a second. "May I ask you a question, Luna?" She blushed at him.

Blushed? Why would she blush because of him? Kill him!

Because she called your mate Luna. Shut the fuck up!

Is it a good thing or bad?

She's blushing because she likes being called their Luna. Is it enough?

Okay. Fine. Whatever.

I'm surrounded by idiots. Even my wolf is one.

"Yes?" She answered softly. Except one. I'm the idiot between us.

"How does it feel to not have your wolf? Like.. doesn't it feel hollow or something like that? I mean I can't imagine myself without my wolf I'm so dependent on him. I just can't imagine... You know what I mean right?"

She smiled but it wasn't a happy smile. She looked weak and vulnerable. Maybe it was just me. "I can't feel hollow when I never had something in the first place. I don't know how it feels to shift. And I've grown to learn how to live with myself."

"Yes but still.. you know." Luke trialed off. He must have seen what I saw too.

"I can hear my wolf. That's honestly enough for me. She's in my head to make me feel at ease."

I could feel her wolf. We can't communicate yet but I know she's there.

"My wolf can feel her presence." I say as a matter of fact. She looks at me adoringly. Suddenly, her smell got more powerful and I start to lose my mind.

We have to mark eachother or I'll go bonkers for sure.

Nova was in a deep thought. I've noticed he's not talking so much. Ever since we have came back to our pack. Something feels odd about him. I asked him what's wrong.

He hesitates first but then asked. "Do we have to go on a fight with the witch?"

"If we have to, yes we will."

He looked lost again. "What's wrong Nova? You're not fine. Something is definitely bothering you."

"I.. it's nothing. I'll tell you soon."

I dropped the topic altogether. Nova isn't someone who hides things. He has to have a good reason for this.

"Can we just shift and complete our remaining distance?" Suggested Luke. I narrowed my eyes at him. Is he crazy?!

"Mm.. I-I mean.. sorry I shouldn't have." He looked at Zuri. She made a sorry face. Hell! It's going to be so awkward if I didn't do something. I don't want her to think she's holding us back.

I sighed. "You know what, we'll just shift. Zuri, sit on my back." From behind, I heard Nova choke on his saliva. What's so funny now?

Zuri looked at me with open mouth. "What.. you mean? I can't just sit on your back, Theo."

"Why not?"

"It's still far and I don't want to burden you!"

"Do you think I can't hold you? I'm an alpha sweetheart! My wolf isn't a weak pup."

She blushed at first but then agreed. Ofcourse she will! She hasn't even seen my wolf yet!

I start to strip. She gasped and turned around. I smirked. "You can look, I don't have any problem."

"Shutup!" She replied. "I am not going to look at you naked in middle of a forest."

I laughed. "Sure, my Luna. Your first time won't be in a forest, I promise."

"Keep ignoring us." Taunted Luke from somewhere. We both ignored him.

Soon, I was stripped and I shifted into a dark chocolate coloured wolf. As an alpha, I've always been proud of my height. My wolf was tall enough to reach her waist.

She looked down at me with wonder in her eyes. Sun shone down at her beautiful figure. My wolf drooled at the sight.

Don't embarrass me!

I don't know what he's going to do when he's in control.


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