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How the fuck am I going to look at him again?

With your eyes, ofcourse.

Shut up you idiot. It's all because of you.

We're on heat baby, it makes us crazy. And in this case, horny.

I sighed. Is this heat? I have never even thought about heat or any other thing that happens to a she-wolf happening to me. And about the cravings, I had no idea it would be so damn addictive.

I lost myself into him completely. The way he touched me, pleasured me. His touch still lingered on my body, leaving a heated sensation all over again. Yes, I've seen many wolf in their heat but experiencing it by myself is a whole new thing.

I wanted more. I wanted him to want me.

But, it was just lust.

And I don't want my first to meaningless.

We let our inner demons take over this time, but it won't happen again. Not any time soon. I won't let us do this again.


It's surreal how I mentioned us as me and Theo, not me and my wolf.

But this incident was taking over my mind. Was he feeling the same? Was this short moment between us held any meaning to him? Or was he thinking this as a mistake?

But it proved he wanted us.

He does. And that's because he is a completely normal Alpha wolf. He has all those emotions after meeting his mate.

We, we have them too. The way he took our name had feelings in it.

It was his wolf taking over. I don't know about the human him.

This feeling needs to be stopped.

And it did, when a lady came inside.
She was beautiful. Dark brown hair and a beautiful face. She's a lot taller than me.

I tried to get up but failed. She came to me rushing.

"No no.. please don't get up. You are still weak." She said and passed me a bottle of warm water. I drank it whole. I didn't knew I was so thirsty.

"Who—" I spoke but my throat burned. My voice came out hoarse.

"I am Lucy. I am Nova's mate. He told me you are in your heat and you need help. I am here. Don't worry." She said as she checked my forehead. "Mm.. you don't have fever. That's good."

"Hey." I said, again in my cracked voice. "I am Zuri. Nice to meet you."

"Luna," She called me. "Are you fine? Are you feeling body pain? Anything different? Come let's sit." She didn't gave me time to talk.

She called me luna?

"Please just call me Zuri. I am not your luna." I added a yet in the end later.

"Oh bullshit. I know you will be so why waste time? So tell me, is there any pain again?"

Now when she is asking it I feel nauseous. This whole heat thing is an ordeal for us wolves. It's so painful. My whole body was aching the moment Theo left me. I have intense pain in my lower stomach and it was 10 times painful than ever.

My oh-so-female body parts were aching to be touched. I feel flushed. I had never these kinds of thoughts. People here didn't let me even think of someone wanting me. But now, when I have one, I can't keep it to myself. I want him to touch me even more.

Lust was taking over my brain. What am I going to do for the next 2 days?

"It's okay. I'll find some medicines so your scent is little bit suppressed. Well, your scent isnt that hard. I guess it's a good thing."

That's because I was with Theo, doing those sort of things that can suppress my scent.

"Umm.. yeah." I can't bring myself to tell her what happened between me and Theo. Honestly, it was our thing. And we didn't even came any close to it, so I guess it's not a big deal.

Some wolves don't hesitate sleeping with others before their mates. So, it's actually not any deal to be that close to mate.

Yeah! It's not. Calm down. It was not just me, it was him too. We both were in this together.
Not a big deal, not a big deal.

Not. A. Big. Deal.

Lucy came back with some food as well as juice. I ate till my stomach was full. "You make very tasty food." I said. She smiled at me warmly and thanked me.

"Heats are painful, aren't they? You looked weak and exhausted. I can't understand why we have to go through them." She kept my head on a cold pillow.

"We face so many things." I said. "Was your heat cycle this painful as well?" I asked her.

A blush crept up her cheeks. "I didn't. We mated before my heat cycle." She said, shyly.

Wow! I can't believe they did it so.. early. And I thought I was advanced. Nova must like her a lot.

I can see that, though. She's really beautiful and confident.

I am happy to be the way I am. But everytime I think about Theo and how he said he won't accept me anytime soon, it hurts.

She must have seen my expressions because hers softened as well.

"It won't be long when you and alpha will be mated."

I shrugged. "If he didn't rejected me before that."

She laughed. "Oh! Do you really think he can reject you ? All he wanted was a female as his mate. He's getting gold in return."

I blushed. I wish he thinks the same.


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