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Pack warriors were spread everywhere. The only thing strange was why would any wolf go inside the boundary of volcano. No one can go there. And the amount of footprints I am seeing here gave me goosebumps.

Theo was handling this so professionally. The serious look on his face made him look even more hot.

A nauseous smell hit me and made me flinch. We were so near the volcano, it was towering me. She's calling me in.

It roared again, sending dark smokes into air. I stepped back. Me being here is dangerous, not only for me but also for others. The witch can smell me from here.

I hate her. She make me feel guilty for something I was not even responsible.

My throat felt sore. I was unable to talk.

"Zuri?" Nova called me. He looked at me in mixture of confusion and amusement. "Your eyes are glowing." He said.


Why would they be?

"Are you trying to shift here?" He asked. Shift? Oh yes, shift. What's wrong with me?

But I am not shifting. What the hell was going on? The volcano roared again. I was so close to it. I don't want to stay here.

"Can I leave?" I asked. Theo was not in my sight but I heard his voice from afar. He was talking to a few guards.

"..ya sure. But you need to inform Theo." He was unsure what to say next. I muttered a small Ok before leaving.

Theo's working on renewing the border right now. He looked in my direction almost immediately. It's like he already knew that I was thinking about him.

He walked towards me. His eyes glowing the most beautiful shade of brown. His gaze is fixed on me. The look in his eyes makes me want to squirm.

Why is looking at me so... sensually?

His scent is bothering me since I came here. It's stronger than before.

He raised my chin with his index finger and tilts his head. "You want to talk to me, Zuri?"

His voice so low it's like whispers all over my skin.

"I-I was-not feeling good. Can I go back?" Oh hell! Since when I started to stutter?

"Yes ofcourse. I am just checking on the dead wolf. He has burns all over his body. Just wait a few moments. Don't go alone."

"No." I almost said immediately. "I really need to go back. I'll take Luke with me if you want."

His eyes hardened. "Luke?"

"Yes. Or I can go on my own. It's okay."

His face almost lost the brightness from before. "You know what? I'll go with you."

"But don't you have work-"

He put his finger on my lips, shutting me up.

"Shh.. You are not going to walk around anywhere alone or with anyone else when you smell so sweet."

Something was honestly wrong. Theo sounds dazed. Even I couldn't think straight. His smell is making me crazy. I want to feel his heat on my body.

I don't know what is wrong but I've never felt so turned on before.

What worse can happen? We are just talking, right?


Our walk to his home is becoming more and more unbearable. Everytime our hands touch, I want to feel his arms around me.

There's a throbbing between my legs that I couldn't stop thinking about. I can't walk straight. My breasts are aching to be touched.

What is happening to me?

I could see his house in front of me. Thank moon goddess it isn't that far.

I took a deep breath of relief and moaned. Theo's closeness is making me crazy.

Suddenly, I was pressed against the doorframe.

Before I knew what was happening, I felt his lips on the crook of my neck. I tried to push him away but he grabbed my arms and pinned them above with one of his hand.

The other hand crept around my waist and pulled me close.

"Those fucking wolves were checking you out there. I wanted to kill them. They don't know whom you belong with yet." He confessed against my neck.

He must have noticed how heavily I was blushing because his satisfactory smirk didn't dropped for a second.

Why I want him so close?

That's when I realised.

I am in my heat.


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