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Soon we started preparing for our departure. I was taking care of the injured. We had limited bandages and medicines. Thank Moon goddess that not many were hurt.

Goosebumps arose on my arms when I heard the wind whispering outside. It was strange. I went out to see.

The night had fallen. After the second, two more earthquakes came. We were already at the open corner so nothing else happened. The tents were closed. Everyone must be asleep now.

I have never heard the wind this way. I felt it's talking to me. Wanting to take me somewhere.


I jumped at the sudden voice. I looked around to find Theo behind me. His hair were ruffled and clothes dirty with sand and dust. He must be helping the others in setting their tents.

"Hey." I replied.

He came closer and stood next to me. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" He asked.

I looked up at the moon while answering. "The sky looks most beautiful after a dreadful day, doesn't it?"

"Well that's not the answer of my question but I'll say you couldn't sleep because of what happened today. I can understand."

"Can you? I mean, it's my pack and I know it's my duty to deal with it. Many of them are scared. We cannot leave our homes like this."

"I know. I won't leave my pack as well if something happened. But logically it's the safest decision." He said.

I could smell him. His musk scent more intensified because he's been working. But another metallic smell was filling me. I looked at his arm that he has wrapped in his jacket.

"You are hurt?" I asked.

He looked at me then at his arm. "Yes, I was just there when that earthquake hit the borders." He said while unwrapping his arm.

"What?!" I yelled. He's been hurt since hours and didn't took care of it? What kind of alpha is he? "You're bleeding, Theo. You need it disinfected. It isn't good to keep a wound open. You're an alpha. How can you be so careless?"

His expressions changed from shock to wonder and then he chuckled softly. "Wow. I couldn't tell you were so tyrannical."

I shook my head. "It's nothing funny. Come inside. I'll wash it for you. It needs to be closed. You should be thankful it didn't hurt your tissues."

He chuckled again.

"Yes ma'am."

I rushed inside, hoping he didn't see my cheeks turning red under the moonlight.

Inside, he sat on a stool too small for him. He looked funny and I couldn't help but laugh at how he was trying to adjust on it.

"Don't laugh. You gave a seat smaller for a kid to a man like me? How can you?"

I searched for some medicines while laughing. "A man like you should have been careful enough."

I kept a bowl of warm water and some cotton towel to wash the dried blood. He got a lot of scratches and open wounds as well. He could've just told anyone about it but didn't.

After washing it, I put some medicine and started wrapping it with a bandage.

"If I had been careful, I wouldn't have you kneeling down in front of me."

I blushed so deep he would've noticed from a mile.

"You know how to deal with a wound well." His voice so near to me. I raised my eyelids to look at him. His eyes were sparkling. He looked at where my hand was.

I understand the fuss about mates. Just being near him and touching him is giving me butterflies.

"I-I have learned it from my uncle." Shit. Why the hell did I stuttered?

I could see him smirking a little but choose to not say anything.

I fixed his bandage and was about to leave when he held my wrist. My breathing stopped for a second. I turned around and looked at him. I couldn't read his face.

"Come to me Zuri. To my pack."


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