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The new mated couple were doing it again. I could hear them through the walls. Actually, my wolf can. It's not the first time I am hearing it.

Don't get me wrong. I am not into Voyeurism or something. I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Like right now—in my own room.

You should be with our mate right now. This is a new place for her and you left her on her own?

I know. And I did that so you won't pounce on her any chance you get.

Like you'll ever let me have that chance.

He huffed. I may look like an alpha but my wolf is a complete dog. He'll jump into that alpha role only when necessary and that's very common so I don't have a problem with it.

But he's right, I shouldn't have left Zuri alone. I thought she might need sometime to think like I did.

The door opened and Luke came inside. He threw himself on a chair and ruffled his hair. "Just say you can hear those fucking noises. Literally."

"I can."

He opened his jacket and threw it aside. "That man is enjoying his life a lot better than us."

"You, Luke. I have found my mate, remember?"

"Haa! Says the pup who's scared to even talk to her."

"I am not scared." I growled. My wolf a little offended after being called a pup. I think my face grew darker because the man in front of me panicked. But soon a vicious smile spread on his face.

He raised an eyebrow. "Is it true? Because the last thing I saw before coming here, Drake was flirting with Zuri. Why she would be happily smiling at a stranger when she has a mate here? Huh, Alpha?"

I face turned at him. Drake Flirting? With Zuri? That wolf who doesn't want to stick with one wolf is now flirting with mine?

I have never seen such green before my eyes like I did now.

Drake's going to pay.

He definitely would.


When I reached the place where Luke told me Zuri was. I looked around for her but I can't find her. Letting out my wolf instincts, I tried following her scent. My senses come alive whenever I catch a whiff of her smell. It's so intoxicating.

She's close. Fuck! I'm close.

I find her near a tree. Zuri, with her radiant face, looking up at Drake. Either I am imagining her blushing or it's because only I see red.

My heart clenches with a feeling of unease as I watch them interacting. I tried to brush off this feeling, reminding myself that Zuri is free to engage with whomever she wants. But yet, I can't help but feel a pang of possessiveness.

She's mine. Even if I don't believe it yet.

Maybe I do now.

As a drew nearer, I could hear Drake speaking in his see-I'm-a-gentleman tone. "Come on, I just want to know you better."

Zuri, looking so clearly uncomfortable, still managed to give a cold look. "I said no once. Didn't you hear?"

Drake couldn't catch the hits. That damned wolf. "What's the matter, too good for me? You think you are better than anyone because you're the Alpha's mate?" He said as he raised his arm to hold her shoulder.

My fists clenched and I stormed over. My anger boiled my insides. I caught his hand midway. "What do you think you are doing?" We looked at eachother. Our eyes locked in a fierce stare.

"Oh, just a friendly conversation."

"Well, it looks more than a friendly conversation to me." I shot back, my voice dripping with warning. "I suggest you back off or you'll regret it."

Warm and soft fingers curled around mine. I looked at Zuri and my gaze softened. "Theo, calm down. No need to threaten anyone."

I shook my head. "No one talks to you like that." She gripped my hand tighter. I could feel the tension leaving my body. She looked at me with her gold eyes filled with concern.

"Theo, it's not necessary. Let's just walk away from this."

Reluctantly, I took a deep breath and nodded. I walked away with Zuri, holding on to my emotions losely. But before leaving the arena, I turned back again.

"And Drake, she's not just my mate. She's your Luna. Think twice before doing anything closer to what you did today. I won't let it go easily."

You're letting him go. I want to tear his flesh apart and feed them to eagles. UNLEASH ME.

CALM DOWN. Do you want to scare her?


When we reached a certain distance away, I pulled her arm and embraced her like a puppy. She must have been surprised because her breath caught in between. Her heart was beating against mine.

I placed my head in the crook of her neck. Her arms stayed to the sides but soon, she wrapped them around me.

"I'm sorry he said those things to you." Our bodies tingled with a sense of excitement.

She said nothing but kept holding me close.

"You were not there with me for 2 days." She complained out of sudden.

"I'm sorry for that too. I have a lot to talk to you about."

She hummed against my chest. "Me too. And I'm afraid whatever I'll tell you, you'll leave me and won't come back again."


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