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Alpha Issac sat in front of me. I was surrounded by his family members. Luna sat beside him and on his right side, sat Chuck, if that's his name.

All 3 had worrisome expression on their faces. And it had to do with me and my mate.

They said Alpha couple's daughter was cursed. It was her, Zuri, their daughter, cursed, my mate, cursed, future luna of Red Star pack, cursed, my future, cursed.

Fuck it! Fuck this! You know what, fuck this whole damned mate thing!

Why a mate? Why her? Why me?

It sounds so stupid. I am mate of a cursed girl. Sounds good? Hell no!!!

"Alpha Theo..." Alpha Issac started, "... I know it's a bit disturbing for you to come here and find that your mate is our daughter." He was not even sure what to say. It was so obvious. They all are making it up.

But I am not an idiot. If they want to play dumb, fine, let's play dumb.

"What's more disturbing for me, Alpha Isaac, is that..." I raised an eyebrow, "... Why did my mate ran away after looking at me."

I suppressed my urge to smirk. He looked so scared.

"See, Alpha Theo." This time it was Chuck. "She's... She's scared. She needs time. Just.." He sighed. "Go talk to her. If she's ready for a mate right now, she's say yes. But I guess you should give her the space she needs."

It was so fucking confusing. She is scared? If there is someone who should be scared, it's me. For fuck same, it's me who is a mate of a fucking cursed girl. What's her curse? Is it just like my father? Does she can also talk to witch like him? Can she also destroy the whole pack like him?

No one ever hated my father. They never can. Because what he started was ended by him. He helped us all and died. Fucking died.

Nova and Luke were so silent. I guess they read my expressions. Dark and deadly. Let us again ask what was going on.

"But... She's my mate." I made an innocent look. "I won't harm her or something. I am her mate after all."

"Alpha Theo." Luna called. Wow! This whole family is ganging up on me for her. "The thing is..." She hesitated for a second. Yes, say it. Say it Luna. Say that she is cursed and is not good for me. "She's an amazing girl. But there is something different about her. It would be better if you go and talk to her yourself. We can't interfare in anything you both do."

Out of everything, this was the least I expected.

Isn't that good? We'll go see her and ask her ourselves if she wants to sleep with us or not.

WHAT THE FUCK! Do you even know what you just took out of your mouth? We. Are. Not. Going. To. Sleep. With. Her. Heck! We didn't even talked and you want me to-

Oh.. yes. Okay I got it. But I thought she needed something like that. She looked sad and it irked me. Why was she sad after meeting us? Is she disappointed with us being her mate?

Rubbish! No girl can be disappointed by me.

You never touched a girl before you moron.

I guess I actually need to go talk to her. But... She's cursed. But then again, she's my mate. That's what mates are supposed to do right? I'll go and talk to her. Because that's my wolf needs right now. A talk with his mate.

Just don't jump on her, okay?

Ofcourse I'll won't jump. I'll bite.

Horny animal.

I miss the old him. But he always taunted me for not finding my mate early. Like every alpha around me. Most of them were older than me. Of course they would have found their mate.

As long as I am fulfilling my duties as an alpha, I won't need a mate.

But I have one now. Fuck!

Honestly, I have never been close to a woman before. I have been a celibate all my life. I can't easily accept it. Though, all this time I wanted to wait for my mate.

An absolute mate.

I'll say she's beautiful. Many wolves must be after her. She has that innocent aura around her.

I have eyes for her innocence.

I don't know about that but you'll take my senses away for sure.


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