A new start.

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He had been staring at the same old four walls the past three days. Since they took Nya.

"Adopted, Kai." The social worker would correct him, rolling her eyes. Why did it matter? In the end, his baby sister was gone! She was all he had, and she was taken! He was alone. Again...

"FINE! BE LIKE THAT!" The mean lady slammed the door behind her. It was the third night Kai refused to eat. He was starving, but he was too upset to bother. Besides, he would rather die of starvation than dine with these... these traitors! They took his sister! They left him alone!

The room was quiet. Kai glanced at the window, then out of it. He wasn't that far off the ground! Just the first floor! And there were bushes right underneath him! He could make it!

He slowly got up, wincing at the soreness of his legs -how long did he sit behind that door? An hour? Two?- and walked to the window. He opened it as quietly as he could, taking nothing with him, and climbed out.

The bush cut his fall, but not without giving him a few cuts. He winced as his eye hurt and prayed it wasn't badly damaged, before slowly started heading to the exit. As soon as he was out of the iron gate, he ran. He ran as far as his little legs could take him.

Which, apparently, was to the docks. Kai tripped and fell, almost falling into the ocean, off the dock. Someone caught him by the collar. "What do we have here?" He gulped. The person pulled him up and let him down on the dock. Kai fixed his shirt. "Where are your parents?" Kai shrugged. He could hear people murmuring, the word 'orphan' being tossed around. Taunting him. "Did you run away from the orphanage?" The same voice asked. Kai nodded. "Why?"

"I didn't like it..." Kai mumbled. The man hummed. Kai looked up for the first time in a while. The man had his black hair slicked back. He looked tired, eyes dark. He wore mostly red, with a few golden and purple accents. "I bet. What's your name?"


"Kai..." The man repeated. "Do you like magic, Kai?"

Kai nodded. "Who doesn't?"

The man laughed, before lifting him up. "You and I are gonna get along well."

"What's your name?" Kai tilted his head. The man grinned.


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