Escape Plan

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Kai had changed into casual clothes, holding a bag full of money and some necessities. He was about to exit the room, when he heard commotion outside. People shouting, and he clearly heard the words 'Find Kai' over and over again.

So, Kai did what every logical person would do: he took the secret tunnel under his bed.

He had discovered them a few years ago, when he accidentally pushed the activation button.

The tunnels were quiet, but not as dusty as they should be. Someone was there recently.

Kai started heading towards the exit.

He was lost in his daydreams, dreaming of cold weather and dogs. He barely registered bumping into a wall that shouldn't be there.

He fell, some of the gold spilling out.

Kai cursed himself.

"YOU!" Kai cursed again, before looking up.

"Oh. Just you." He sighed in relief, before he started gathering the money again. "Don't worry, I'm working in getting out of your hair." He waved a hand around as he closed his bag, frowning as he realized it had torn. "Dammit!"

"Were you stealing?!" Lloyd asked.

Kai shrugged. "Dude's nuts. He won't miss it. And I, for once, would like to stay somewhere where I am welcome instead of used or whatever."

Lloyd's angry look turned into a confused one.


"Don't worry your pretty little head about it." Kai melted the fabric together, smiling contently as he lifted the bag, money staying inside. "See ya around, little bean." He waved as he side stepped him, continuing his way.

"Hold on!" Kai groaned, but did stop walking.

"What." He demanded.

"Don't you wanna see Chen's big plan?"

"Why? I wasn't part of it, unlike his family." Kai winced at the poisonous tone he held.

"You're the traitor!"

"Oh, yeah! Bye." Kai started walking away.

"CAN YOU STOP THAT-" Kai covered the blond's mouth.

"Shut up!" He hissed. Lloyd nodded.

Kai let him go.

"Listen, kid. I had enough of being tossed around. I'm heading to Ninjago, getting an apartment and a dog. That's all."

"You do realize that, if Chen succeeds, there won't be a Ninjago for you to return to. Right?"

Kai blinked at him, then groaned.

"Japan it is." He lowered his head.

Lloyd stared. "Are you serious?!" He hissed.

"Give me one good reason why I should help you." Kai let his bag down, crossing his arms over his chest. He even raised an eyebrow, challenging the green ninja.

"Your friends-"

"Turned their back on me."

"Your family-"

"I don't have one." He lowered his gaze. "Not anymore." He added, under his breath.

"Everyone has a family!" Lloyd insisted.

Kai let out a loud laugh. "You're priceless, kid! Never lose that!" He messed his hair again, before grabbing his bag. He started walking away again.

"What about Cole?"

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