Masters, masters, masters

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The ship finally arrived at the island's port. Kai sighed in content as he felt the warm air on his skin. He glanced over at Karlof, who also seemed rather content with the temperature, at last.

Kai had helped him find a blanket that he could use to warm up, for which Karlof was thankful.

Karlof smiled at Kai as he passed by him, nodding once. Kai nodded back. He had stayed back last, wanting to make sure everyone was off. Otherwise, Chen would have an aneurysm.

After he walked around the ship a few times (Making sure Gravis wasn't still on the roof, too), he decided he could get off.

Clouse waited for him by the raft, helping him get off. Kai nearly tripped, making Clouse laugh. "Careful, young one." Clouse told him. Kai chuckled as he finally stepped on the dock. Clouse would have to stay back and take care of the ship, so Kai just headed to the palace.

He was right behind the group of the new guys. The noiret noticed him, stepping aside (and pulling his friends as well) to let him pass. Kai smiled.

Maybe Tox was right.

Oh well.

The guards bowed their heads as he passed by. He bowed as well.

He made a beeline toward Skylor, who was already chatting up with Tox and Chamille.

As soon as they saw him, they smirked.

"Oh, no."

"So... the new guy?" Skylor raised an eyebrow.

"Wha-He likes me!" Kai protested, blushing.

"Sure thing, mister damsel-in-distress." Tox teased. Kai groaned. He regretted sitting with them. So, he turned to the master on his right. Sadly, it was Neuro, who was also smirking at him.

"Maybe it's the universe finally offering you a partner." He wiggled his eyebrows. Kai groaned.

"Both sides, shut up!" He just looked ahead.

He heard the doors close, and the lights dimmed. Chen was about to enter.

He rolled his eyes. He knew Skylor was as well. He could hear low murmurs, though. The new guys, probably.

Chen entered, flying in on his throne. That man and his buttons...

"Welcome, to the Tournament of Elements!" Clouse clapped, begrudgingly. Kai admired the man's loyalty. He wished he had a Clouse, too. He pouted. Neuro chuckled quietly. Kai elbowed him, not bothering to look. He could live without listening to Chen's introduction.

He knew the basics: They would start tomorrow, fighting for the blades. They would be one too little, and someone would lose. Then, the actual fighting would begin. People paired together, fighting for a jade blade. The winner would take the Jade Blade home, as well as earn free meals in Chen's Noodle House for a year. He would skip the introductions, as everyone already knew everyone.

Chen asked the guards to accompany each person to their rooms. Kai knew where his was. He had been taking part in these since his powers manifested. (Clouse had explained he had discovered his 'true potential'; Kai hadn't understood what that was.) He didn't bother to look where the rest went. He knew already. Skylor stayed above, Tox next to her, Neuro next to Tox, Gravis under himself, yadda, yadda...

The guard opened the door for him. Kai thanked him, walking in. The room was just as he remembered it: Red and Gold, with a very comfy bed, its own bathroom, a portrait of himself (creepy), and a balcony. He would go outside later. For now, he just wished to relax.

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