Part eighteen

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At home ;

Hobi: Tae ! Let him  see atleast ,It wont hurt !( he tried to convince tae to let kook check him but tae being tae was crying only and asking for Jimin

Tae: H_hyungie ?( crying )

Kook: Bub look at me hyung will be here soon till than let me check you( he was actually getting angry but was trying to stay calm )

Tae:( shook his head crying ) N_no ___

Hobi: Then how will we know what's hurting ( he said now a little strictly but tae shook his head again ) Tae ! what is this behavior !

Tae:( crying ) Jimin_ie hyung_gie ( hiccuping )

Kook: I said Na Hyung is coming Why are you so stubborn !! ( said shouting little which make tae flinch and he hug hobi while crying )

Hobi: Jungkook!( said with a stern look )

Kook: But Hyung Look na__

Hobi: But thats not the way you will talk to him ,He is not well right now ! You should keep this in your mind  ( and now he sounded more stern about what he just said )

Kook: I m sorry hyung ( he looked down being little scared of Hobi's glare )

Hobi: ( To tae ) Just hug me and let him check ,Nothing will happen I am here ok!( he said with softest voice and hugged tae who didn't said anything ,just quiet sobs were heard from him as he hugged Hobi 's waist tightly )

Kook: ( glared at tae angrily  who hide his face in Hobi's chest ) ( sighed and start checking him and then ) Tell me truly ! Did you ate anything from outside beside Hobi hyung's cake !( asked strictly while making tae look at him who was still crying silently )

Tae: ( crying) I_ ,me_ and_d minnie_e ate streetside_e  Tteokbokki_i ( hiccupping )

Kook: ( greeted his teeth angrily ) You know that you can't handle spice ,right ? And that too from road side shop !!

Tae: So_orry__( sobbing scardly )

Kook: ( angrily )  Just Stop It tae !!!! Are u a toddler whom we have to always direct about his welfare !! Just let Jimin Hyung come and he will deal with you ! ( saying he started preparing an injection ignoring tae's cries )

Hobi: Shh ( he rubbed tae's back soothingly ) It was your mistake tae ! Why don't you listen hmm !?( but tae only sniffles )

Kook: Give me your hand ! ( tae shook his head crying ) Taehyung ! Don't make me more angry !( saying he took tae's hand forcefully in his hand ) And I am warning you not to move !

Tae: I _don't_t w_want thi_s ( he said crying )

Kook: ( ignored him and took his Jacket off first then rolled his sleeve to his forearm ) Hyung can You just hold him tightly so he wont make any movement !( hobi nodded and locked tae arm in a tight hug while kook slowly inserted the needle in his arm  making tae cry loudly )

Tae: Ahhh H_YUNGGG STOPPP ITT AHHH ( crying and trying to take his arm out of their hold )

Kook: ( held his arm tightly with one hand and injected carefully then took the needle out and disposed it ) Shh it done !( he said softly and bandages  the injected spot )

Hobi : ( ruffled tae's head ) Its over baby stop crying ( he hugged tae softly rubbing circles on his back ) Shhh ( But tae keep crying like baby hugging hobi )

Kook: ( rolling his sleeve down ) Stop crying  like a kid now ( patted his back ) Come on lets change your cloths they are wet You will get more sick

Tae: ( shook his head while crying ) no_

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