04 | 𝐒𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬

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Nehir had hidden a backpack with the money she had saved and a few necessities underneath her bed. She knew no one would look there. Even if she noticed it, Aleyna wouldn't tell anyone. And Nehir's mother would never start cleaning the house herself.

Running away with Oguz was her best option. The only chance she had of a happy life. The only chance of a life away from her father's control. And she would be happy. With the man she loved.

Nehir sat on her bed, trying to read a book. Her parents' fight made it impossible. She didn't know why they were arguing this time, but she had an idea. It was about Ayşe, her older sister. Ayşe, who had left for Istanbul, away from their father.

And that was what Metin hated the most. Having control was everything to him. Losing that control was inadmissible.

With a sigh, Nehir closed her book and rose from the bed, heading downstairs. Bora was already there, probably. Hakan had moved out a year ago after he got married. Their father arranged everything, of course.

"It's her fault," Neslihan said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "Aylin's!"

"She's dead," her father argued. "How exactly can it be her fault?"

"Don't tell me it's not true! Both her children! They are both the same!"

"What is going on?" Nehir asked. "You both are screaming loud enough for everyone to hear."

"Ayşe happened, of course," Bora said. "She left yesterday and already got married."


From all Nehir knew, Ayşe didn't have someone. Her sister's only partner was her work. It was the thing she loved. Ayşe was a lawyer and had spent multiple years in Istanbul. But she never mentioned anyone.

"To a prosecutor! What will she tell him if they come here? Husband, this is my family that is just doing some trafficking. Ignore them?" Neslihan's voice was full of venom. "That man would love to see you in jail. Both, probably."

"Enough, Neslihan. I'll handle my daughter! Call her."

Nehir's mother sat on the couch, calling Ayşe.

The living room was Neslihan's favourite place. It had two couches and four armchairs, all black with elaborate golden patterns. A small table stood between them, where Neslihan's cup of tea had been untouched.

"She didn't answer," Nehir's mother said after a few moments. "You left her run wild. Look what happened!"

"Do you think I'm blind, Neslihan? I'll handle Ayşe."

"And Hakan?"

"What's with Hakan?"

"That wife of his will turn him against you. She hates us. She shouldn't have been married to your son."

Nehir couldn't blame Fidan for hating her family. She didn't know exactly how she ended up doing what Nehir's father wanted, but she had seen the way Fidan looked at Metin. It was the way a person looked at the one who ruined their lives. Knowing her father, Nehir wasn't sure she wanted to know what had happened.

"Do you have anything else to add, Neslihan?"

"Yes. You should answer to what Ayşe did. Give her a reason to come back."

"And what should I do? Send someone to put a bullet in the prosecutor's head?"

Neslihan smiled. It was the kind of smile Nehir had learned to fear. Her mother had a plan, and it wouldn't be something she would like.

"We should have a happy event in the family," Neslihan said.

"Hakan's birthday is next month. We'll call Ayşe and tell her to come home?" Bora asked. "And she'll just do it?"

"No," Neslihan said. "We'll have an engagement party for your sister. I'll make the arrangements with Dilek."

"Do it," Metin said, leaving.

"I don't want to marry him," Nehir said after she heard the front door closing.

"Who cares what you want?" Neslihan asked. "You'll do as I tell you to."

She wouldn't. She was tired of always doing what her family wanted. She was tired of being forced to stay in that house, waiting for her father to make the mistake that would cost them everything.

There was no turning back. She'll leave with Oguz. Even if they were caught. Even if they were killed. At least she wouldn't be forced to marry someone she didn't love.

"I'll die before I marry Yavuz Uçar."

She'd rather die. At least like that, she would be free.

"You'll die," her mother said, looking into Nehir's eyes. "But you'll do it when I say you will. Do you understand? You won't do anything without my approval."

"I don't want to-"

"Stop it, Nehir," Bora intervened. "We don't care."

"I'll speak with Dilek. In a few days, we'll have the engagement party. And then, a month or so later, the wedding."

Nehir turned around and went to her room. She knew there was no way to stop her mother. If Neslihan wanted an engagement party, she would have it. Her mother always got things the way she wanted. Just like her father. They were made for each other.

Although she knew Ayşe might not answer, Nehir still called her. She had no one to talk to but her sister. Hakan wouldn't go against their father's wishes. But Ayşe would. Had already done it.

Surprisingly, her sister answered.

"It's just me," Nehir said. "Can you talk?"

"Yeah," Ayşe answered. "Why are you calling at this hour? For the same reason Neslihan just called?"

"No," Nehir said. "Mom's downstairs, and I'm in my room. She wasn't happy, and neither was Dad. They learned what you did."

"And they're upset they lost control, of course. So what are they going to do? Kill someone? Me?"

"No. They... Dad... You know Davut Uçar?"

"Davut Uçar? The guy who works with Ahmet Öztürk from Istanbul? Father is doing business with him? Is he crazy?"

Nehir hesitated. She didn't really know how to break the news to her sister.

"He... He promised me to his son."

"He did what? Is he crazy? Or just an idiot? Those people can't be trusted! They're cold-blooded murders!"

"You think I don't know?" Nehir asked, tears starting to form again in her eyes. "But what can I do? Mom wants the engagement in a few days and the wedding in a month. I don't know what to do!"

Her mother would be even more careful. She wouldn't want Nehir to manage to run. She would do anything to stop her. Oguz had been right. Their only chance was after the engagement.

But how could she do that? How could she just sit there and let her family engage her to a stranger? To someone she didn't love?

"Say you won't marry him," Ayşe told her. "And then come to me in Istanbul. You'll go abroad from here. They can't force you to marry him."

"They can't? You know them! They get anything they want."

Ayşe sighed, and Nehir wiped the tears falling on her cheeks, taking a deep breath.

"Legally, they can't. Nehir, look. It won't be easy, but you can manage to get away. Right after you tell in front of anyone that you won't marry him. Ask Fidan for help. Hakan won't go against Dad, but she'll help. Trust me."

Nehir nodded. "I'll try."

Even though it felt impossible.

Nehir ended the call right when her mother opened the door. From the look on Neslihan's face, she had heard everything.

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