13 | 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬

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Nehir refused to talk with her brother and Fidan all the way home. She ignored her parents after getting down from the car, heading straight towards the house.


When her father called her name for the third time, she finally turned around to look at them. She wondered if he would start screaming at her outside the house where all the bodyguards could hear them.

"Come," he said, nodding towards his office. "Everyone."

She followed her family inside her father's office, staring at her father as he sat on his chair. Everyone else kept standing.

"What was that?" He asked with fury in his voice. No one answered. "Neslihan," he said after a few moments of silence.

Neslihan held her head high while she started to explain. "She tried to run with the farmer's son. Bora did what he should have done."

"What?" Metin asked, hitting the table.

"It is as you heard. Your daughter tried to run and almost managed. She would have embarrassed us all. She would have made Davut an enemy."

Metin said nothing, and Nehir could feel her older brother's gaze on her. As if Hakan couldn't believe what had just happened. She didn't look at him. She didn't take her eyes from her father.

"The boy?"

"Dead," Neslihan replied.

"And why is she still alive?"

"Father," Hakan started on an amazed tone. As if he couldn't believe Metin would ever say something like that. As if he believed their father ever cared about them.

Metin stopped his son with one gaze towards him.

"Davut wouldn't give his daughter," Neslihan said. "But we need an alliance with him. It is in our best interest if that girl stays alive."

Nehir wasn't even surprised at the way Neslihan talked about her. As if she wasn't her daughter. Nehir probably never has been her child in Neslihan's eyes.

"And if anyone finds out?" Metin asked. "How exactly should I explain what happened?"

"No one knows," Neslihan said. "Maybe the boy's parents, but they won't say a word."

"And if they do?"

"They won't," Hakan said. "I'll speak with them. Ali and his wife know better than to do something like that."

Metin nodded. They stood in silence for a few minutes.

"Get out," Metin finally said. "You stay, Nehir!"

She watched as everyone else left the office and how her brother closed the door behind them. After that, Nehir turned her gaze towards her father.

"What exactly do you think you are doing?" He asked, getting up from his chair. "Do you have any idea how much you could have embarrassed us?"

"I only wanted what my sister had. Happiness."

He had always made a difference, and Nehir knew it. Ayşe and Hakan were Aylin's children while she and Bora were Neslihan's. In a way, he had always allowed more to Aylin's children. He had always shown them more attention. But Nehir didn't resent her siblings for that. She knew her father's attention was a bad thing.

"You will marry Yavuz," her father said, almost screaming. "And if you ever try something like this, I will kill you myself. Do you understand?"

She remembered when Oguz would tell her about his family. She remembered how much she wished she would have parents like his. Parents who would actually love her for herself, not for the advantages she could give them.

That was all she had ever been in her parents' eyes. Something that could give them an advantage. Someone they could marry off for something. She wasn't allowed to have hopes or dreams as long as they didn't go with what her parents wanted.

"You are my daughter, and you will do as I say! Do you understand?"

"Yes," Nehir replied.

"Get out!"

She left the office and headed towards the house. Everyone was in the living room. She didn't want to see them. She didn't even want to think about them.

"Nehir," her brother called.

She ignored him, but Hakan came after her. She stopped right next to the stairs. She just wanted to go to her room. She didn't want to hear her brother's lectures or how many mistakes she had made.

"Are you alright?" Hakan asked, his hand resting on her shoulder.

Nehir shaked her head. She wasn't alright. She wondered if she would ever be.

Turning her back, Nehir went upstairs. Hakan didn't follow. She closed her door and sat on her bed.

She wanted to cry, but there were no more tears. She didn't have any more tears. The numbness, the shock, had passed. But a part of her heart still felt empty. As if something was missing, and she could never recover it again.

The door to her room opened, and she saw Neslihan entering.

"You idiot," the woman said. "What were you going to do? Run to your sister? Go abroad? Where? How? You have nothing but what your father has given to you."

Nehir refused to look at her. That woman was not her mother, and Metin was not her father. No parent would do something like that to his own daughter. Neslihan and Metin weren't parents, just like she, Hakan, Ayşe and Bora weren't their children. They were their assets, the things they could use for their gain.

"You would have married Yavuz, and then you would have given him a son. And, in a year or two, he would have been in a grave."

Nehir rose her gaze to Neslihan. They planned to kill Davut's son.

"And then his parents would be dead, and your son would be the only heir of their business. You would be a rich widow, and you would do what you want."

And Metin would rule Davut's empire.

"But no. You wanted to run away with that boy. He was nothing, Nehir. Do you hear me? He was nothing. His parents are nothing. People like him are nothing."

Neslihan scoffed. "Sometimes, I wonder if you actually are my daughter or if the nurses gave me the wrong child."

As if those words were supposed to hurt, Neslihan left. As if her words could hurt Nehir anymore. She was done. She had always wanted that woman's approval and her love. But she was done.

Let me introduce you to our guests, Nehir. Davut Uçar and his son, Yavuz. Your fiancé.

You'll die. But you'll do it when I say you will. Do you understand? You won't do anything without my approval.

I love you. I love you so much. And I regret nothing. I-

What? Are you surprised by the consequences of your actions?

Those had been the consequences of her actions? Fine. But what about the consequences of Neslihan's actions? Of Metin's? Of Bora's? They would come soon enough.

Her family wanted her to marry Yavuz? She would do it. And she would make them regret what they have done to her for the rest of their lives.

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