The Tour

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Caine: Here we have THE TENT! This is where your living quarters are, as well as all sorts of other activities. These activities may include- (His eyes BSoD as he zones out. Dial-up Internet modem is heard) Ball pits, mini golf, and more. (Moving on...) And here we have THE GROUNDS! Drown yourself in the digital lake or engage in ridery[sic] at the digital carnival! Night, day, it's all okay! The choice is yours, a cosmic buffet!

Pomni: Is that all there is...?

Caine: Of course not. (Moving further out of bounds...) This is (Distant) THE VOID! We... don't venture out into the void. Not even I know what's out there.

Pomni: ...That's-

Caine: (Moving back to The Grounds...) We stay right here, where I can keep my hundreds of all seeing eyes on you!

Moon: Hello, Caine, I love you.

Caine: Ah! Let's get outta here before the moon gets frisky!

(Pomni notices an exit door.)

Pomni: Wait, what's that?

(Caine whisks himself and her back into the tent. Pomni begins vomiting from motion sickness.)

Caine: Whoa, clean up on aisle you!

Bubble: I'm on it, boss.

(Bubble begins licking the vomit up with their tongue.)

Caine: (Rightfully disgusted) ...Why are you like this..?

Pomni: Wait, wait. Was that an exit door I saw out there? Is that a way to leave?

Jax: What exit? (He grabs Zooble's arm and uses it as a back scratcher.) If there was a way to leave, I'm pretty sure we'd have all left by now. (Their arm begins choking him.)

Zooble: Yeah, what are you talking about?

(Bubbles finishes licking the vomit.)

Caine: (In denial) ...Uh, I, ahem, I assure you there is no "magical exit door". You're probably just experiencing DIGITAL HALLUCINATIONS! From your mind's transition to the digital plane.

Pomni: But I- I swear I saw-

Caine: Digital hallucinations!

(Pomni stares at Caine and his visible discomfort.)

Caine: How about we talk about something else? Like your name.

Pomni: My name? My name is, uh... (Freaking out) Uh.. Oh, God! Why can't I remember my NAME?!

Caine: Nobody can remember their name once they enter the Digital Circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can help you with is coming up with a new one.

Pomni: (Groans) What's my name?

Caine: Don't you worry your little head. Your new name can be anything! (Fast) Hereby acknowledging that your chosen name and or names may not breach the Digital Circus user license agreement stating that your name may not include objectionable content. Objectionable content includes but is not limited to: Sexually explicit materials, obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous, violent, and or unlawful content or profanity. (Normal Speed) What are you thinking?

Pomni: ...Huh? I don't care, just pick anything.

Caine: Let's see.

(A slot wheel comes down and spells out "XDDCC".)

Caine: What do you think of "Xddcc" (kss-de-de-ke-ke)?

Pomni: I don't-

Caine: You're right, terrible. Let's try that again!

(Caine spins the wheel again. This time, it spells out "POMNI".)

Caine: What do you think of "Pomni"?

Pomni: Huh? Uh, sure, I think I just-

Caine: Gadzooks, you're right, Jax! We should have a brand new adventure for our new member, Pomni!

Jax: I said that, like, five minutes ago.

Caine: You! Do you like adventure? Activity, wonder, danger, horror, pain, suffering, agony? Death, disease, death, angel food cake?

(Bubble eats the angel food cake in one chomp.)

Caine: YOU PARASITE! (He pops Bubble in retribution.)

Pomni: Uh, I don't really...

Caine: Since you're new around here, we're gonna make it a simple in-house adventure to warm you up to how things work around here.

Zooble: What? No, God! I don't want an in-house adventure.

Caine: Don't worry, Zooble, I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose to not get involved with.

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