The Kaufmosis Chase

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(Back with Pomni. She's still running from Kaufmo.)

Pomni: Gotta hide, gotta hide, gotta hide...!

(She briefly stops to see her reflection in a mirror, no doubt questioning if she really looks like that, before resuming running. She tries to hide in a barrel, but red toy monkeys pop out. As Pomni hides behind the barrel, she watches Kaufmo attack one of the toy monkeys. Kaufmo eventually leaves as Pomni leaves her hiding spot.)

Pomni: God, where is Caine...?

(She stops running. She has discovered an "EXIT" door. While in awe of finally having a way out of this circus of fear, she hears Kaufmo growling in the distance, so she opens the door to the other side. She now finds herself in a waiting room area. She slowly walks to the other end, where she opens another door. The next room is a little more narrow. She hastily walks to the other side and opens yet another door. The next room is wider, but more cluttered with racks. The next door she opens, the door back in the circus dissolves as Kaufmo stomps on a Gloink.)

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