The Nest Of The Gloink Queen

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Gloink Queen: Huh, what form of non Gloinkinian mass dares presume presence in the nest of the Gloink Queen!?

Jax: Oh, is that who you are? You know, you could have asked for my consent before forcing me to see something so completely and utterly disgusting.

Gloink Queen: How despicable, a rabbitoid that runs its mouth in the presence of my royal figure!

Kinger: Well, as a royal myself, I would like to kindly ask if- (An army carrying Zooble's head arrives behind them.) Oh look, there's Zooble. Hi, Zooble!

Zooble: Ah, help me, you idiots!

Jax: Kinda rude, Zooble. Now I don't wanna help you.

(Gangle and Kinger play Rock Paper Scissors. Kinger goes for scissors, because he knows that Gangle can only go for paper, as her hands are ribbons.)

Gangle: (Sad) Oh, I always lose...

Kinger: Yes! (He goes over and grabs Zooble's head.) Gotcha! (...And his floating hands get carried away.) Oh...

Zooble: Hey! Kinger, you mother-

(Before they could say more, their head and Kinger's floating hands get eaten by the Gloink Queen.)

Gangle: (Terrified) EEE!

Jax: Eh, they'll be fine.

(A glitching Gloink says otherwise.)

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