Down Into The Zooble Hole

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(Kinger and Gangle are staring down a hole, from which Zooble's screams can be heard.)

Kinger: I don't know what I'm looking at here.

Gangle: We saw a Gloink carry one of Zooble's pieces down there, remember?

Kinger: Oh, yeah, thank you for the recap. ...Boy, we're not very good at this, are we?

(Jax arrives.)

Jax: (Out of breath) Ugh... 'Sup... Fellas?

Kinger: JAX! We found the Zooble hole!

Jax: Cool.

Gangle: How is Kaufmo doing? I hope he's not still mad at me for not laughing at his jokes.

Jax: Oh, he's doing greeeat. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him this happy before.

Kinger: Well, it's good to know he hasn't completely lost his mind.

(Jax turns around as Kaufmo's growling is heard.)

Jax: (Holding up his bowling ball) He actually asked me to give you this.

(He throws his bowling ball at Kinger, who falls down the hole while taking Gangle with him. Jax follows. They all go down a red slide, jump through a ring at one point, and reach an underground lair. A group of bowling pin-shaped Gloinks miss getting by the bowling ball, but luckily, Kinger and Gangle knock them down... Except for one, who Jax kicks away. Sadly, this earns him a Spare. He breaks the "Spare" sign out of pettiness and moves on. They soon reach a large monster Gloink. The leader, no doubt.)

Kinger: (Gasp) An insect collection?

Gangle: I think it's a nest.

Kinger: (Notices Gangle) ...AAH-!

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