The Inevitable Change

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Season by season, Change is inevitable.
It lives in you, me, every living creature.
It can harm or heal the course of nature.
It can adapt or cause one to fade.

Change goes by many names and persona.
We know a few like time, death, birth.
Each is a changing cycle that we cannot avoid.
We can't stop time,

We can only prolong death,
Birth is a choice for only some while others are bound to the cycle.
Change is inevitable.
The ever-changing world though can only change so much.
It is up to us to make sure Change can only benefit.

It is up to us to gatekeep the door and stop Change's malice intent.
It is up to us to help change the world for the better,
For those to come and for tribute to those who have left.
Just remember that Change is inevitable.

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