Am I Worthy?

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Staring into the reflection of a mirror so dirty.
Contemplating my life asking if I'm worthy.
Did God make a mistake when he gave me life.
My mind wanders as it fills with strife.

Am I bound to this world useless and a disappointment?
Am I here for you to watch for your enjoyment?
Why was I made with a fear of love,
Wanting and yearning it something you always speak of.

I love her so much and she tells me she loves me back.
But why in my mind the darkness is pitch black.
I want a future with her so bad.
But these feelings of me being worthless makes me so mad.

I want to be okay enough to feel worthy for her love and affection.
Please I just need your help to send me in the right direction.
She is someone I hope someday to marry,
Someday to be the man that helps her stop from feeling wary.

To show her how much she is loved and admired.
How she makes me feel happy and so inspired.
A best friend, soulmate, a husband to her I want to be.
Though a repeating question always there, am I worthy?

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