Chapter 4

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A week later Billie is out on his walk and this short, brunette woman with bruises and track marks all over her comes walking up to Billie. "Mia what are you doing here?" "I wanna see Emma." Billie notices that she's twitching and it's because she needs her fix. "It's been almost 16 years you walked out when I told you I was pregnant with her. So why are you really here? You need money so you can get your fix right. I will never give you money and I will never let you near my daughter. You are nothing to her I carried, give birth and I raised her, you just spent 5 minutes or so impregnating me." Billie puts his hand on his stomach remembering then he was pregnant.


It was 2009 and Green Day was in the studio in the middle of recording 21th Century Breakdown. Billie walks into the studio looking tired and very sick. Mike walks up to Billie. "You look tired and sick." "Mike I'm pregnant." "Damn Billie when did it happen?" "Like a month ago I think. My head is a mess Mike I don't know what to do here. But I do know I'm keeping the baby." Well sounds like we're having a baby." "I don't know how I'm going to tell Mia I only slept with her once and I haven't talked to her since." "I would just meet up with her and just tell her and if she walks away your not alone Billie." Tre walks over to Billie. "Tre I'm pregnant." "Whoa, your going to be huge Billie." "Geez thanks Tre." "We will love the baby." The next day Billie meets up with Mia. "Hay Billie." "Hay Mia I'm pregnant and the baby is yours." "NO!" Mia gets up and just walks away...

*End Of Flashback*

"Mia you don't wanna see Emma you need money for your fix. You will never get a dine from me or any of us. Stay away from Emma. I have full custody of her. She grew up just fine without you she has three dads. So just go and never come back and I mean it." Mia walks away this time.

Billie gets home and sees his two best friends in the living room cuddled up together on the couch and Emma is at school. Billie looks at the couple. "I seen Mia when I was on my walk." "Mia?" Tre looks at Billie confused. "Mia the junkie stripper that got Billie pregnant when he was drunk 15 years ago Tre", Mike said to his husband. "She was high and full of bruises, track marks and she was jonesing for a fix. She said she wanted to see Emma but she's really just looking for money for her fix. I don't want Emma to see or know about her at all it will only hurt and confuse her. We don't need that. I sent the bitch packing. I told her to never come back ever again. So be on the look out for her keep her away from Emma here and on tour. And never give Mia any money."

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