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EVER SINCE PERCY been claimed and moved into cabin three, the entirety of camp seemed to pretend like he did not exist. Only when he was not around would they whisper about his parentage and the hellhound.

Valeria did not understand it. How could she wait for over 313 weeks for a sign from her parent but this kid could get a sign in one?

Sure this kid defeated the Minotaur on his first day and was a child of the Big Three which ultimately put him in the running for some prophecy, but that was it.

Valeria had been working hard for years, making sure she was skilled in every aspect of being a demigod in hopes that her godly parent would somehow notice her.

This kid makes a fool of himself for a week straight and gets claimed immediately.

So yeah, Valeria was only the slightest bit bitter.

She decided to play volleyball on the satyr team against the Apollo kids. They weren't really good at volleyball. They may have been brilliant archers, poets, and medics, but they kind of failed in the field of regular sports.

"You okay there?" A satyr asked her.

"Dandy," Valeria answered, hitting the volleyball. It soared over the net and hit a little blond kid, knocking him down.

The satyrs and campers looked up as they heard the deep rumble of thunder. The storm clouds were not passing around the camp; They were directly over them.

Valeria looked over and saw that bother Percy Jackson sitting on the porch with Chiron and that satyr, Grover. Chiron met her eyes and beckoned her over. She gave him a look that said do I have to?

He nodded. Yay.

Valeria walked over with a huff.

"Percy, think," Chiron was saying, completely ignoring Valeria despite calling her over. "You are the son of the Sea God. Your father's bitterest rival is Zeus, Lord of the Sky. Your mother knew better than to trust you in an airplane. You would be in Zeus's domain. You would never come down again alive."

Overhead, lightning crackled. Thunder boomed. Valeria thought Zeus was kind of understandable for that.

"Okay," Percy said. "So, I'll travel overland."

"That's right," Chiron said. "Two companions may accompany you. Grover is one. The other I have already selected for you."

"What?!" Valeria nearly shouted, her eyes wide. "Sorry, sir, but I can hardly deal with him for two seconds. I do not believe that I would survive two weeks."

"I unfortunately have to agree with her," Percy added. "I don't need her on this quest. Grover and I can do it by ourselves, can't we?"

Grover stayed silent, nervously chewing an aluminum can.

"Percy, Valeria is one of our most skilled campers. You will need her on this quest," Chiron said. "And Valeria, you musty accompany Percy if he is to survive."

"So propose that I should just stay here—"

"This afternoon," Chiron interrupted, "we can take you as far as the bus terminal in Manhattan. After that, you are on your own."

Lightning flashed. Rain poured down on the meadows that were never supposed to have violent weather.

"No time to waste," Chiron said. "I think you should all get packing."


How was that fair?

Of course, a quest would increase Valeria's chances of being noticed by her godly parent but that was her decision to make!

𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚘𝚠𝚗, 𝚔𝚒𝚍 - percy jackson x ocWhere stories live. Discover now