𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑💫

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It's was the breezy morning. The wind was blowing slowly and touching her cheeks like the wind was feeling the softness of her cheeks. She was standing at her room's window and looking outside towards the beautiful nature .

Birds are her favourite one's she always wonders how beautiful they are and always get inspired to art of them . They really fascinates her she also thinks despite being beautiful they still work hard to live .

She is a girl in her twenties with hazel orbs and waist length brown hairs looks breathtaking beautiful that's what her family says . But she never boosts about this . She belongs to a very rich family but she believes in treating everyone with respect and love .

Despite being an elder daughter of the family she works to earn money at this age not like other rich spoiled childern who loves to show off their parents money . She grabbed her dupatta and descended the stairs to go in kitchen.

Amreen begum came down after offering her Fajr Salah and going towards the kitchen to make tea for herself and her husband but there she saw her darling granddaughter who was making tea for her and her husband. It's their routine to have a cup of tea with her .

" Assalamualaikum Princess" Amreen begum came beside the girl who is working and kissed her dupatta claded head .

" Walekum assalam Dadi aap yha kesse " she asked her dadi cause she knew her dadi loves to stroll in the garden after praying her Salah.

" Socha Aaj chai Mai ban du par meri beti toh pehle se kitchen mei lagi huyi hai " she answered the curious girl standing in front of stove .

To which the girl nodded and added some ingredients in the chai before plating her grandparents favourite cookies which they love . She forwarded the plate towards her dadi .

" Nhi sab saath khayenge aap chai leke aaye hum aapke dadu ko dekhte hai " she told her the girl and went outside to find her mizaji khuda . There she found her husband in the back yard of the mansion sleeping while resting his head on the back of the chair .

" Raat ko sone bolo tab pote ke saath khelne mai busy rahenge or subah subah soo rhe hai " she was angry on her husband as he was watching match with his men's gang of the Mallik family

" Sone dein aap mere dadu ko...dekhna aap chai ki khusboo aate hi kesse uthte hai " true to her word her grandfather opened his eyes after taking the heavenly aroma of sugar tea .

" Amha bacche inhe mithi chai nhi Diya Karo " her dadi complaint to her

" Ohoo dadi din mei ek baar sugar allowed hai dadu ko so........

" Chill dadi / begum "She and her dadu said at the same time making her dadi roll her eyes at this duo . She served them their tea and had her coffee.

" How's the preparation of the event going on bete " her dadu always asks her about the work . He thinks it's to good ask your children about their life that way you can help them if they have problem somewhere.

" It's going great dadu it's just that your Zain not helping in any kind of work "

" Amha bacche he is your junior you have to help him in assignments otherwise how will he take over your Ryan uncle's buisness " Amreen begum is a die heart fan of her grandson. She always takes his side.

" Ryan was telling me he will be sending Zain to Harvard after a year for post graduation" this specific piece of news didn't settled well for the Amha while sipping her coffee.

This made her concern about her cousin who is so dear to her. And she thought to ask him or tell him about it as soon as possible.

She had her morning time with her grandparents and went in her room to get ready for the college. She was packing her bag when she heard the sound of chaos which happens almost daily in her house of her younger siblings. She hurriedly did her last minute things and went in the dinning room only to witness the fight between the monkeys for Paratha or you can aalo paratha which is only one left .

All her family members were sitting quietly having their breakfast. In her house all have jolly nature accept her younger sister Ayra . She is the serious one currently she is in her last year of college just like her but Amha have her convocation next month.

She also sat down and her mother served her all time favourite meal it's simple Paratha with aachar and a glass of juice . She is a simple girl who loves simple food and the simple food made by her mother makes her super happy.

" Baba aap kuch kehte kyu nhi hai inn dono ko . Dekhke kesse lade jaa the hai " she said being irritated with the noise of the irritating creature of the house .

Her Baba looked at her and smiled lightly before glaring at the fighting duo who instantly cool down. They know getting Yasid angry not going to do any good to them . He will throw them in his study to teach them all kind of manners the minute they will be back from college.

Hurriedly Saifan pushed the equally half Paratha in Azaan's plate like a good boy that he is not from any angle . Amha laughed at their instant brotherhood. She looked at Ayra who is eating her breakfast quitely while scrolling through her phone .

" Are you taking the car to University today " she asked Ayra while sipping on her juice .

" Yes Appi you wanna come with me " she told her sister as she knows she is scared of driveing cause of her life's experiences.

" Yes as I want to submit my events list to Professor Singh it's kinda important" she wants to get free as soon as possible after giving all the lists to the authority.

" Okay I will drop you " she said and end the discussion with one line .

Amha got up from her chair and went towards her Baba who kissed her forehead and her mamma recited dua for her protection.

"Fi amanillah mamma " she bid her goodbye to her family and leave with Ayra who dropped her sister at her faculty before going to her's.

She always liked her study place whether it's school or college but what she hates is the minions of one particular kid whose parents are in power although her father is one of the trustees of college but still she didn't boosted over the fact .

She looked at the most popular girl of the college who is a not less than a shop of makeup like her minions. Amha always comes college without makeup as she thinks that it's a place to gain education not a fashion show .

She ignored all the ranting of people about her being a nerdy or not paying attention to most beautiful girl of the college . She roll her eyes at those people and move forward towards the professor's cabin


You all please feel free to give your comments whether it's some mistakes or something you didn't feel right . And do share this book as it's my first ever story on Wattpad so I want your support to reach out to the people who loves to read like you all .






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