𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟖💫

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Authors POV

Everyone had little bit breakfast and left for their respective works . Hashim came down and saw his chachi  going out of the house very hurriedly while looking at her surrounding as if she is afraid to come in someone's eyes .

He was a man who don't show any feelings regarding his family in front of everyone but deep down he cares for them after all it's his family . 

He thought to go after her but his attention got diverted by a househelp who asked him if they should set breakfast for him .

Hashim nodded absentmindedly to the househelp, his mind still preoccupied with his chachi's strange behavior. As he sat down at the breakfast table, his thoughts tossed with a mixture of concern and curiosity. Should he follow his chachi and uncover the reason behind her hurried departure, or should he respect her privacy?

The dilemma weighed heavily on his mind as he had his breakfast, Eventually, he made a decision: he would discreetly inquire about his chachi's whereabouts later in the day, ensuring both her safety and his family's peace of mind Hashim finished his meal and left for office .

On this way of the office he got a call from his secretary Ms. Fariya informing him about his today's important meeting about the deal they are going to sign with Mallik industries . Hashim answered the call from his secretary, Ms. Fariya.

"Good morning, Boss" Fariya replied crisply. "I hope you're doing well. You have a  important meeting today regarding the deal with Mallik Industries. It's scheduled for 10:00 AM, and all the necessary documents are prepared for your review."

"Good morning, Ms. Fariya," he greeted, his voice tinged with professionalism.

"Thank you for the reminder, Ms. Fariya ," Hashim said through the earpiece. "I'll make sure to be there on time. Please let the team know that I'll  discuss the details after half an hour so be ready on time and finalize the agreement."

"Of course, Boss" Fariya affirmed. "Is there anything else you need me to do before the meeting?"

Hashim paused for a moment, considering his chachi's situation and the impending meeting. "Actually, Ms. Fariya could you rearrange my afternoon appointments? I have a personal matter to attend to."

"Of course, Boss" Fariya responded promptly. "I'll take care of it right away. Just let me know if you need any further assistance.

"Thank you, Ms. Fariya. I appreciate it " Hashim  ended the call, his mind already turning towards the upcoming negotiations and the unsolved mystery about his chachi's departure and that to like that .

Hashim drove to their factory site to check on operations before heading directly to Mallik Industries, skipping a visit to his own company  due to time constraints. Instructing his PA to assemble the project team directly at the meeting venue, he maneuvered through the bustling streets until he halted at a red light.

At the intersection, he noticed a young girl peddling red rose bouquets, her earnest gaze meeting his as she approached his car. Swiftly rolling down the window before she could tap, he hesitated momentarily before handing her a 500 rupee note. However, the girl, despite her apparent need, displayed a remarkable sense of dignity.

" Hum aapse muft ke paise nahi lenge, agar aap hamse ye guldasta karidenge to hi hum paise lenge," she spoke softly, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

Hashim marveled at her resilience, pondering the challenges she likely faced despite her cheerful demeanor.

"Chalo thik hai, ek chota wala guldasta de do," he relented, realizing the importance of preserving her self-respect.

𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐭 - 𝐄 - 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐚𝐫Where stories live. Discover now