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𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩

Hashim woke up next morning feeling little bit of aching in his head from last night's little banter with his dadi and later on with his mother that's was more of a angerness than any kind of banter .

His intention was not to make his dadi feel bad of him but for his mother he wants her to understand to stop making efforts when he doesn't want to talk to them.

He got up from his sleep hearing some commotion from downstairs. First he thought it's his siblings who are fighting over nothing like always but eventually the noises from the living room increase each passing second .

He got up from the bed and descended the stairs just to saw his bua his grandfather's adopted daughter who ran away with her boyfriend despite telling her not to . She was standing in front of his dadi and arguing regarding company's something .

He went towards them and listened carefully on which topic they are having argument.

" I am here to take my part of shares in my father's company " Sarika said with a lot of determination in her voice that she will be taking what's hers.

"What is the meaning of this, Sarika ? You disappeared without a word, and now you show up demanding shares in the company?"Dadi's voice carried a mixture of shock and reproach as she confronted her long-lost stepdaughter. Her eyes, once warm and nurturing, now reflected a deep sense of betrayal.

Hashim's brows furrowed with frustration, his jaw clenched in disbelief at his bua's audacity. He couldn't comprehend how she could demand a share of the family's wealth after abandoning them without a word.

"I have every right to my father's legacy, Ammi. You can't deny me that." Sarika stood defiantly, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes flashing with determination. She refused to back down, adamant that she deserved her portion of her father's estate.

"Mrs. Sarika , you can't just show up out of nowhere and expect to be welcomed with open arms. You left without considering anyone's feelings." Hashim told her harshly his voice giving a hint of how much angry he is with the lady standing in front of his dadi and asking something which can't be given to her at any cost when she doesn't cared about family before running away with her husband.

Tension thickened the air in the room as the three of them faced off, each holding onto their convictions, yet yearning for resolution. It was a battle of wills, a clash of past grievances and present demands, with no easy solution in sight.

"Hashim is right. Your actions have consequences, Sarika. We've moved on without you." His dad finally decided to intervene after hearing each one of them .

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness, but I deserve my rightful share. I won't leave until I get it." She's also adamant on taking the free shares for which she didn't worked for a minute . How much audacity this women have to ask something like that to the family standing in front of her whom she abondaned back than.

"Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement, but you can't expect everything to go back to the way it was." Hashim said thoughtfully after studying the situation very carefully. He knows this situation demands to be handled carefully otherwise they will loose something which he don't know right now .

"We'll discuss this matter later. Right now, we have more pressing issues to address. Hadi , go fetch your Baba . We need to resolve this peacefully." Dadi's tone softened slightly as she attempted to defuse the escalating tension, her weariness evident on her face . Despite her frustration, she still held onto the hope of reconciliation.

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