𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕💫

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Authors POV

As they entered the dining area, the aroma of a delicious dinner greeted them, and the rest of the family gathered in the living room. All other family members also joined them, settling into the comfortable chairs as they exchanged greetings and shared highlights of their day.

"So, Amu, did you enjoy your time at the company today?" Ramsha, Amha's aunt, turned to her with a curious smile.

Amha nodded eagerly. "Yes, chachi, It was fascinating to see the inner workings of the business, especially the discussions about the upcoming partnership in event management."

"I'm glad you found it interesting, Amha. Who knows, maybe one day you'll want to join the family business too?" Her aunt's eyes sparkled with pride.

"Maybe, chachi , but for now, I'm determined to pursue my passion for event management. I want to create something of my own." Amha chuckled softly while replying to her aunt.

"And I am sure you'll excel at it, Amu. She has a knack for organizing and planning. I have no doubt she'll make a name for herself." Her brother said in her support with a big smile on his face.

Their family nodded in agreement, sharing words of encouragement and support for Amha's aspirations. As they continued their conversation over dinner, the bond between them grew stronger, united by their shared values and dreams for the future.

It wasn't the first time Amha visited their office; she had done so many times but with the intention of just roaming around. Today, when Zain told her to accompany him to the office, she decided to gather as much knowledge as possible.

Amha entered her room and lay down on her comfy bed, lazily switching on her iPad. She loved to draw her ideas whenever she had something on her mind, and today she got her first task from her uncle to organize a party that could be in a few days. She designed something on the device, and a soft knock was heard on the door. She replied to come in.

She turned her head towards the door and saw her mother standing with a glass of milk and medicines in her hands for her insomania . Behind her, she saw her father coming, adjusting his glasses. Her parents came inside and sat beside her.

"Come on, be a good girl and take the medicine," her mother told her strictly.

Amha silently took her medicine and lay down on the bed. Her father sang her to sleep. It had been their routine for the last six years. She developed Daemonophobia during her teenage years, which caused insomnia. Every night, her parents helped her fall asleep before retiring to bed themselves.

The ambiance of Amha's room described the soft glow of the nightlight casting comforting shadows across the walls. The gentle melody of her father's song lingered in the air, weaving through the room like a lullaby. Amha's breathing gradually became more rhythmic as she succumbed to the drowsiness induced by her medication and her father's soothing voice. She was off to her dreamland. Gently, her mother kissed her forehead and adjusted the comforter before leaving her room.

As they left Amha's room, her parents exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions filled with a mixture of concern and tenderness.

"I hope Amu sleeps better tonight," her mother whispered softly.

Her father nodded, his voice equally gentle. "She seemed a bit more relaxed. Maybe the medicine is helping."

With a shared understanding, they quietly made their way to their own bedroom, ready to face whatever challenges may come, united in their love for their daughter. As the sound of the door being closed was heard, Amha opened her eyes, and a lone tear escaped from her tender eyes. It was their daily routine, her parents making efforts to help her sleep. She pretended to sleep, and when they left, she was again wide awake.

She got up from her bed and went outside to the balcony. As Amha sat on the swing, the cool night air enveloped her, carrying the faint scent of flowers from the garden below. She gazed up at the starry sky. The twinkling stars and the universe seemed so fascinating to her always. Lost in her thoughts, Amha turned her attention back to her novel, the words transporting her to another world where her fears and worries momentarily faded away. The gentle sway of the swing and the peacefulness of the night embraced her, providing her peace in her heart.

For others the morning seemed to come after a very short period of time, as the world loves to sleep in the coziness of their fluffy beds, but for Amha, it appeared after ages. But she was now habitual of this; she found her interest and the way of spending her nights in planning events, reading her favorite authors' books, or sometimes designing dresses for herself. It was her newly found interest. The first ray of sunlight hit her face, and she lazily opened her eyes, stretching her arms after placing her novel on the round table. She saw the birds leaving their nests, making soothing sounds like music to her ears. She always loved nature.

After completing her morning routine, she left to have breakfast before leaving for her college. She was about to open her car's door when she heard a car horn and saw Zain's car pulling into the driveway. She saw him getting out of his luxurious car and coming towards her.

"Assalamualaikum Amu Appi, how are you? Did you sleep well last night?" Zain greeted her cheerfully while side hugging her.

"Walekum assalam Zain Miya, I am good, and I slept very well last night. I think the medicines helped me enough," she lied to her loved ones so that they would not worry about her.

"Okay then, let's go to the office. Baba told me to take you there directly," he informed her of the change in plans.

"But we decided to attend the college conference first and then work on the event," she said to her cousin, being totally shocked by the sudden change in the plan.

"Yeah, but the party will be next week, so we need to hurry," Zain said while walking towards his car and opening the door for her.

Amha sat down, feeling confused but didn't say anything and went to her uncle's company to plan the most important upcoming event.


Assalamualaikum everyone I hope you all are liking this story so far .

Will meet you all again in next update till then
"Fi amanillah"






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