Chapter 6

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By the time my plane had landed in England, I was completely out of tears.

My whole ride had basically consisted of crying, sleeping, listening to music, crying again, and then just sitting in my seat starring blankly out the window.

All in all it had taken 7 hours to get there: and I looked like a mess.

My hair was knotted in several places and sticking out at odd angles. My mascara was smeared on my face, giving me the appearance of a raccoon. And my eyes were red and puffy from crying.

I looked like a monster.

Quickly, I pulled out my purse and began to clean up, wetting a tissue and wiping away the mascara globs, then pulling my hair up in a quick ponytail and quickly swiping some more mascara on my eyelashes. It didn't do much, but at least now I was presentable enough to go outside without scaring away civilians.

When I got off the plane and received all my bags from the baggage drop off, I climbed aboard a bus headed to Brunel University in London.


When I walked into my dorm their was already someone else there.

Her back was to me, making it so I couldn't see her face but I could see her form from where I stood.

She had medium long, just past her shoulders, blonde hair and tan skin. Her small 5.1 inch frame stood in front of her bed, already unpacking.

As I strutted in the doorway, she glanced up at me from under her dark eyelashes, her light brown eyes surveying me, curiously and making me semi self conscious under her scrutinizing gaze.

"Hey." I said, crossing over to where my bed sat in the opposite corner of the room from hers and plopping down my bags.

"I'm Allie." I continued, turning around and taking in my room.

"Hey! I'm Victoria, you can call me Tori though; all my friends do." she said, continuing to unpack.

I nodded once and walked back to my bags, unzipping them and beginning to unpack myself, mentally thinking how familiar her name sounds.

"There's a meet and greet festival later today." Tori tells me "Want to go down together after you finish unpacking?" she asks, turning to me.

I nod my head subconsciously, staring at her face and trying to shake the feeling of familiarity I get whenever I look at her.

"What?" she asks me, raising her eyebrows .

Hurriedly I glance away and try to hide the embarrassed flush that creeps it's way into my cheeks.

"sorry! I just, I know this is gonna sound weird but I, I feel like I've seen you somewhere before." I say, feeling utterly stupid and not at all like I was giving Tori a very good first impression.

Tori shoots me a confused glance and once more looks me up and down.

"I'm gonna go down to the cafe and get something to eat. Do you want me to bring up something for you?" she asks me.


Yes, I do want you to bring me something from the cafe. Yes, I do think that I've seen you before. Yes, I do want to go down to the festival and see Nick because yes the whole reason I came here was because of him.

"No, I'm okay"

She nods and turns with a flourish before walking out of our room.


After tori leaves, and I finally finish unpacking, I decide to take a quick shower to clean up.

When I step out, I pull on an orange ruffled shirt I got from body central with a pair of jeans and some tan crochet boots.As for my hair, I just pull my hair back in a simple messy bun and dab on some lipstick, completing the look.

There. I think, looking at myself in the mirror. Not too much, but at the same time not too little.

I smile in spite of myself and entertain myself, waiting for Tori to get back, by organizing all my school supplies into piles and going over my schedule in my head.

When two hours have passed and it is evident that Tori isn't coming back, I pull off of my bed and grab my purse, thinking that I could go get a quick lunch before heading to the Meet and Greet festival later today.

I sprawl Tori a quick note in case she comes back, and shut the dorm door behind me, locking it.

I step out of the dorm building and a light wind ruffles my hair slightly. I breathe in the cool, autumn air and smile as the suns rays hit my features, illuminating them.

It is such a nice day outside, unlike any that I've heard of in London that I think I will walk to get food instead of take a bus.

I turn left and begin walking Down the street, keeping my eyes peeled for any places that might sell food.

It doesn't take long until I come across a Starbucks.

I step inside and place my order (a regular coffee and a chocolate chip muffin), my usual and wait for it to be done, twirling a loose strand of hair .

In no time, my food is ready.


I grab it and hurry out the door, sipping on my coffee and nibbling on my muffin, making my way back to my dorm before the festival starts in an hour.

Behind me, I can hear a loud commotion beginning. Thousands of high pitched screams meet my ears as well as exited yells.

Annoyed, I hurry onward, struggling to drown out the joyous cries of many and trying to make it on time to The festival.

As I walk, I think of Nick and of what I am going to do when I see him. I can't very well tell him about how I followed him here! That would make me sound like a stalker which, I guess in a weird way, I kinda was. I hadn't meant it to seem weird and creepy but the more I thought on the matter, the more it started to sound creepier. All I had wanted was to be with him! It couldn't be considered stalking if I was helping out a relationship, something that I wanted so desperately to work out. Something that, if it didn't happen, I could very well fall into a depression. Than it couldn't be considered stalking, could it?

I shook my head to get rid of the confusing thoughts that entered their way into my mind.

I was here now and that was all there was to it! There was no way at all that I would back out now! If Nick thought it was creepy than so be it! As long as we were together, I didn't care about what the consequences might be.

Now that my brain was cleared out of thoughts, I could hear the slapping of shoes, hitting hard against pavement.

The slapping was quick and uneven, leading me to believe that whoever the pair of feet belonged to, they were running. It was coming from behind me, slowly growing louder and louder as the person grew closer to me.

All of a sudden a pair of hands grabbed me from behind and pulled me backwards.

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