Chapter 12

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Pure white.


That was all I saw:


It was below me, above me, behind me - everywhere I turned it seemed to be filling up the space.

It was clogging my nose and dulling my senses, making it so that even when I closed my eyes I could still see it- white.

No matter what I did or where I moved, the white followed me.

It was an absurd thought, but even though the white was only a color, I felt as if it was surrounding me- closing in on me somehow.

I felt claustrophobic, standing in this empty void, devoid of everything except white.

And than, all of a sudden: a dot appeared.

It was only just a small speckle but it stood out immensely from the rest of the room.

It was bright blue without a trickle of white in sight and gradually growing larger.

I watched in fascination as - like a paintbrush- the dot spread, filling up the space as if it was a white canvas and creating a beautiful painting until there was a whole scene in front of me:

A clear blue sky without a cloud in sight stretched out above me,

Lush, green grass sprouted from the ground at my feet with dots of color here and there where flowers grew.

I turned around in circles, surprised to see that the white was gone, only a nightmare, now replaced with this gorgeous summer day.

The faint smell of freshly cut grass filled my nose and far off in the distance I could hear the beeping of car horns.

I allowed a small smile to cross my features as I listened to the calling of birds in the trees and the rustling of leaves blowing in the wind.

"Allie! Allie! Babe is that you? Allie!"

Immediately my eyes fluttered open, searching for the direction where my caller was.

It didn't take long for me to find him.

He was running towards me at a full sprint, his chocolate brown hair swaying gently in the wind.

My smile instantaneously grew larger at the sight if him- Nick- my boyfriend.

"Allie! Ohmygosh! Babe thank goodness I found you! " nick panted, finally reaching the spot where i stood.

"Allie listen to me, I'm sorry! I'm soooo sorry! I'll say it a million times if I have to! I was wrong babe, thinking I could live without you! I was foolish and stupid for leaving you! Please believe me when I say that I truly am sorry! You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you go! "


I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion after hearing Nicks words.

What was he talking about?

At seeing my face, Nick rushes on.

"These last few months have been a living nightmare for me! I wake up every day thinking of you and go to bed every night seeing your beautiful face. Staying away from you this long has made me realize that you are my other half and without you baby I'm nothing. Please forgive me?"

What? Did I miss something?

What the heck was Nick talking about? " These last few months..."

Last time I remembered I had just seen Nick yesterd-


I racked the insides of my brain, going through every corner but I couldn't seem to remember when I had last seen Nick. Now that I tried: I didn't remember anything up to this moment.

"Allie please believe me! I love you! You are my life and I can't be without you! Please forgive me!" Nick pleaded, taking me by the shoulders and staring intently into my eyes.

Confusion immediately followed his words.

Was this some kind of practical joke Nick was pulling on me?

I shook my head to clear it but the fog inside my mind, slowing and dulling my senses never lifted.

The back, base part of my skull was beginning to ache from thinking so hard. If this was some joke of Nicks, I decided to just play along.

I arranged my features in what I hoped would pass as a reassuring smile and gently kissed him.

"It's fine Nick! I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either." I soothed him.

Nicks face relaxed almost instantly.

His nervous grimace was replaced with the crooked, chill smile I loved so much.

" I promise Allie that I will never, ever leave you ever again. Do you understand me?" he asks, taking my chin in his hands and pushing it upwards so my eyes meet his.

Wordlessly I nod.

"I love you Allie"

"I love you Nick"

Nick wraps his arms around my torso and I bury my face in his chest, breathing him in and melting against his warmth, feeling the safest I have in a long time.

It was perfect, sort of like something you'd read about in a romance novel. ( See what I did there? 😉)

I couldn't help but Savor it, the feel of his strong, lean arms against mine..... And changed.

His lean arms were transformed into larger, more muscular ones that cocooned me. His familiar, mint scent transformed into something else altogether: a kind of a warm and inviting smell that made me want to snuggle closer into his chest.

And the way he held me, it was so different than normal. Instead of resting his chin on the top of my head like he normally did , he dug his face in my shoulder/neck.

Involuntarily, I pulled back, removing my arms from around his neck.

I had to stifle my scream.


AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry I haven't updated in forever. My Wattpad wouldn't save this chappie.

PLEEAASSEEEEE vote/ comment! I need to know if you guys like what I'm writing! Seriously your only pressing a button. I have to take all my time to write a chappie for you, so vote. 😉

Also don't forget to check out my sisters Louis Tomlinson fanfic: " Se fier"

Thanks, love you! 😘

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