Chapter 7

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I could feel the persons hot breath on the back of my neck, their lips only a centimeter away from my earlobe, sending a wave of shivers down my back and causing my shoulders to tense up.

"Please don't struggle, please. I swear that I won't hurt you, just please, keep walking." They instructed me, whispering quickly.

What?! Don't struggle?! How could I not?! A complete stranger was holding onto me! What was going on?! Who was this person who had grabbed me? Why were they bothering with me? What did they want with me?

A million Questions filled my mind just then and Pounded against my skull, begging to be answered and freezing me in my place, confusing me for long enough so that I didn't think about running away.

My whole body was tensed up, cringing away from the strangers touch around my shoulders.

What was going on?!

The screaming behind me continued and grew louder, filling my ears with the sound and rousing my common sense. What was I doing?! I needed to escape!

If I strained my ears hard enough, I could barely make out the padding of footsteps on the cement sidewalk, growing louder and louder as the people advanced closer and closer to my attacker and I.

Good, people. At least we aren't in a deserted alley way, Maybe I could somehow signal to them that I didn't know this stranger. They could help me get away. Or maybe, since there sounded like there were lots of them, I could twist out of my capturers grip and run away. I knew that I was pretty fast, if I got a head start, I knew that I could probably beat whoever he/she was.

Sneakily, a risked glancing at the stranger next to me. He was tall, taller than me, but that was about all I could see of him.

A black fedora sat atop his head, making it so I couldn't see his hair color and dousing the top half of his face in darkness.

He wore a long, black trench coat, making it impossible to see the build of his body and if he was muscular or not.

Either way, it didn't matter; I knew I could beat him if I really tried: I had to be able to beat him.

I steeled my body, getting ready for the upcoming dash for when the crowd surrounded us.

"Don't look at them as they pass by, just keep walking. Act like you can't hear them. Please. " the stranger whispered in my ears yet again, his breath tickling my earlobe.

He had a musical, light voice with just the slightest hint of an Irish accent. I found myself marveling over how such an intimidating figure could have such an angelic voice and also wondering at the same time how old this guy was.

I had originally thought that he was in his late 20s or 30s but now, I wasn't so sure.


The parade of footsteps was right behind us now, so close that all I could hear was the screams coming from the immense crowd of girls behind us.

"Hey you!"

The tallest one of the girls (a black haired girl with tan, cocoa skin) called attention to me and the angel voiced stranger. The entire group turned to look at us.

"Y,yeah?" I answered, mentally cursing my voice for stuttering.

"Did you see where he went?" she asked me.

Wh, wha?

The mysterious boy leaned in and caused an involuntary gasp to escape me.

"Tell them no. Please, I promise that I will explain later. Just say no." he was almost pleading with me now.

"Well?" she demanded, lifting one perfectly plucked eyebrow.

Ugh. This girl was getting on my nerves.

"No. I, I haven't." I Told her, following what the person next to me had said to do.

What was wrong with me?! Why was I taking directions from some random dude that grabbed onto my shoulder while I was walking on the street?!

"Ugh. Fine! " the tan girl snapped, rolling her eyes. "I think he went that way!" she said, not bothering to thank me.

She took off in the other direction, leaving me and the stranger alone.


AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry, i know that I haven't been writing that long of chapters! I promise they will start to get longer. ;) What do you think of the story so far?

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