Chapter 13

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Instead of Nicks warm, brown eyes; a pair of ocean blue ones met mine, just a few inches from my face.

Immediate revolution bubbled up inside me, hot and fast like lava, crawling it's way up my throat.

This guy was not Nick.

In fact, the longer I looked, the more Nick seemed to disappear, this new and strange boy taking his place.

Nicks chocolate brown hair was brightening....until

It was almost blonde.

If it wasn't for the sudden horror I felt rise up inside me, I might have taken the time to notice that this new boy wasn't bad looking- not at all. In fact, if I had been paying attention I would have seen that this new guy was actually pretty hot.

But the fact was that this boy wasn't Nick. He was a complete stranger holding onto me with his arms encircling my waist. I didn't even know him!!

"MOVE!!! GET OFF OF ME!!!" I yelled, pushing against him with all my might.

How long had he been here? How long had I Thought that I was hugging

Nick when in reality this other boys arms were around me?

The whole situation had me disgusted and altogether very confused.

" MOOOVE!!" I tried one last time to unsuccessfully push this new boy away from me but he still wouldn't budge. It was like my fists were meeting a brick wall and no matter how hard or how frequently I shoved.... Nothing I did even fazed him.

All of a sudden I found my hands being wrestled back towards my

body, getting pinned to my chest.

" Hey, stop its okay. Wake up, it's just a dream. Stop, don't do that. It's just a dream. Wake up love."

What? Just a dream? N, No it couldn't be. This was real. This was reality. How could it be a dream?

I fought against my invisible restraints, trying to claw my way out of my captors vice like grip.

" Stop, just wake up. It's a nightmare, nothing more."

This couldn't be a dream.....It wasn't a dream.

But even as I thought it, small differences that I hadn't noticed before were beginning to come to mind.

A slight throbbing in the back of my head that I hadn't registered before was beginning to flare up again, gradually getting worse and worse until instead of a small flare it was becoming a constant ache.

" Wake up, it's a dream. Just a bad dream. Stop struggling your absolutely fine Allie. "

There it was again; that voice, sounding like it was coming from right next to my ear.

I spun around, searching for the source but there was absolutely nothing there.

In fact, when I looked back to where the blue eyed boy had stolen Nicks place...... He was gone as well- everything was. I was the only one left in a blank void of white. The blonde haired guy had disappeared as quickly and silently as he had come, leaving just me and the pounding in my skull slowly growing larger and larger.

Immediate panic threatened to overwhelm me.

NoNoNoNoNoNo. I couldn't be back here. NoNoNoNoNo Please No.

Come back, Please come back. Don't leave me all alone again with the white. Please God No.

I twirled around, surveying my surroundings for something- anything besides the suffocating white.

At first there was nothing, not a spec of anything but the white expanse of space around me.

But than..... Gradually -just like before-a small dot appeared. It was tiny at first-about the size of my pinky fingernail- but it was growing same as the dot before it. It was expanding and filling up the room, painting an altogether different picture...... *


AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in FOREVER and that this chappie was a short one!

I've been super busy and I apologize!

I promise that I will update more often and that the story will get better!

I have a bunch of ideas and I can't wait to get more Into the story!

Kisses! 😘

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