Chapter 15

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Nialls POV

My mind was a complete wreck.

I had absolutely no clue how what occurred in the hospital room had happened. I also had no idea how I felt just now.

My mind was a blur of feelings and emotions, each begging for my immediate attention. The more I thought about what had happened; the more confused I became.

The one thing I knew for certain was that I needed to take a walk...... Now.

Walking had always been a relaxing way for me to soothe my mind and just forget about everything for a moment. It was also a place of peace and quiet where I could think and organize my thoughts and feelings.

As I stumbled out the door to Allies room, (hitting my head in the process) I was met with seven concerned faces.

" How is she mate?" Harry asks me, immediately popping up from his seat next to Tori.

" Yeah, is she okay?" Tori adds, also standing up alongside Harry.

" Uh, Yeah! She's fine! She's amazing actually! Allies Awake, er.. Uh... I spoke with her for a bit!" I stuttered, praying that the boys wouldn't notice the way my voice was an octave higher than normal and the blush creeping its way up my face.

" Oh good! " Tori exclaims, shoving past me to the door.

" Anybody else coming?" she asks us, looking around the group and raising an eyebrow.

I glance around the group, hoping that they will all decide to tag along with Tori instead of staying behind with me. I love the boys but I just needed some time alone right now to map out how I felt.

Thankfully, all of the boys stand up and nod there heads.

Tori opens the door and struts in the hospital room, not even bothering to hold it open for the rest of the gang in her haste towards Allies bed.

Good. Their gone.

I let out a relieved sigh and slump down in a nearby chair, holding my head in my hands and enjoying the peace and quiet.

" Hey Nialler"

I look up from the ground and see that Zayn is still standing by the door, concern obviously written across his features.


I should have known that Zayn would be able to see through my lame coverup. Out of the entire band he had always been the one that knew me the best.... The one that was the greatest at reading my emotions.

" You okay Niall? " he asks me, taking a step back from the door and a step towards me.

" What? What do you mean mate?! Of course I'm okay! I'm fine! Fit as a fiddle actually!" I bluffed, attempting to brush it off as if it was nothing.

Zayn's eyebrows scrunch up: something he always does when he's thinking hard about something.

" Really Zayn, its all good! I'm perfectly fine!" I try again.

" C'mon Niall, you and I both know that your bloody awful at lying. Now stop and tell me what's on your mind!" Zayn urges, taking a seat on the sofa next to me.

Ugh. He was right, I couldn't lie to save my life.

I slumped down in my seat, defeated.

" Listen mate just please leave me alone. I really need time by myself right now." I tell him truthfully. "Please just walk into that hospital room and go away. I don't need any distractions right now. I need to think about........ Stuff. Please Zayn leave me alone." I beg him, hating to push him away like this.

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