Miles Finds Out

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Miles Pov

I was leaving through Chapa's window when her mom burst into the room.

Csm: Who the fuck were talking to!?



C: I just did, bitch.

I was shocked when Chapa started talking to her mom like that. If I talked to my mom like that, I'd get in a LOT of trouble.

I was about to get down when I looked back and saw Chapas mom pulling out a belt and a bat. I couldn't leave, I needed to know what she was going to do. I was super surprised when her mom started hitting her while saying that she was in of the cars that hit her mom. She also said that her dad was cheating on her mom with her before her mom died. I felt so sorry for her. I immediately left and teleported out of there.

Chapa's Pov

My stepmom started to beat me after she came into my room. I looked over a few minutes later and saw miles jumping down from my window. I really hope he didn't see anything. She beat for about 10 minutes, and I couldn't walk because she kept hitting me in the knee and stomach. I just layed down on my bed and started overthinking everything.

You are so hated. No one loves you. You should just die. You should KYS.

I grabbed my knife from the pocket of my jeans and started cutting my arms. After 3 cuts on each arm. I was about to just get it over with and just stab myself when Bose burst through my window.


C: Bose, what are you doing here!?!

B: What were you doing!?!

C: Nothing. What are you doing here?

B: I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

C: Don't tell anyone what you saw.

B: How can I not?

C: You tell anyone, and I'll fry you.

B: Ok.

Bose Pov

I tried to get Chapa to come back to the man's nest with me, but she wouldn't get up.

B: Chapa, come on.

C: No, I'm not getting up.

B: Why not?

C: I just don't want to, I'm comfy.

Chapa rarely ever argued with me. It was weird when she did. I didn't understand why she was being weird. I tried to drag her up, but all she did was sit up. She refused to stand.

B: Chapa, come on.

C: Why?

B: Everyone is worried about you.

C: I highly doubt that.

B: I mean, Henry is being REALLY weird.

C: Henry's still there?

B: Yeah, he said he's gonna come by here soon.

C: No no no no.

B: What?

C: Nothing.

Chapa's Pov

When Bose told me that Henry was gonna come by, I started freaking out. I started having a panic attack and couldn't breathe.

B: Hey Chapa, breathe, it's okay. What's wrong?

I couldn't say anything, but Bose comforting me made me feel a little bit better. I tried to get up and start pacing around my room like I normally do whenever I have a panic attack. But when I did, I just immediately fell to the ground. I forgot I couldn't walk. It hurt so bad, and I still couldn't breathe.

B: Chapa, it's okay. You're gonna be okay.

I didn't know what to do, and I just started crying. The crying just made things worse. It made it harder to breathe.

B: Sparky, calm down.

He helped me up and put me on my bed. He started talking to me and trying to calm me down. After a little while, he managed to calm me down.

B: U ok?

C: Yeah, thanks.

B: No problem. I'm gonna go ahead and go, Mika's getting worried.

C: K.

B: You wanna come?

C: Sure.

End of Chapter

I know I said it would be a while, but my writers block went away!!!

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