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(Danger Force arrested Chapa's step mom after the whole parents' night incident, and Chapa has been staying with her biological mom and Jake since then)

Chapa's Pov

When i got back from S.W.A.G., my mom was making dinner.

KH: Hey Chapa. How was school?

C: Boring.

KH: Dinner time!

C: Okay.

We all sat down and ate dinner. After that, I showered and went to bed. At least I tried to go to bed, but my stupid insomnia kept me up. It was around 2 in the morning, and I heard a loud bang. I looked over and saw a tall familiar shadow in the corner of my room. I screamed, and everything went black. Then I passed out.

Kris Pov

I woke up at 2:00 am to Chapa Screaming. I ran out of bed super fast. I ran to Chapa's room to make sure she was okay. I figured she just had another nightmare, but when I got to her room, she wasn't there.

KH: Jake!

JH: Yeah?

KH: Chapa's gone.

JH: What?

Mika's  Pov

It was 9:00 am and we didn't have to be at school until 11:00 so I invited Bose over to talk to him.

MM: Hey, Bosey.

B: Hey, Mika.

MM: Bose, we need to talk.

B: Uh oh...

MM: We need to break up Bose.

B: Oh, ok.

MM: What? That's all you have to say?!

B: Yeah, I figured you would do that. Plus, I was thinking about breaking up with you anyway.

MM: What, why?

B: I ummm I like someone else.

MM: Who?

B: No one...

MM: Ok.

B: So we're good?

MM: Yeah, we're good.

When Miles and I got to S.W.A.G., everyone was there except for Chapa, which was weird because she hasn't been late since she started living with Kris and Jake.

MM: Where's Chapa?

B: I have no idea.

R: Hold up, I'm getting a call. Hello? Captain Man Hotline. Yes, okay, got it, we're on our way.

M: What was that about?

R: Guys, Chapa's missing.

Chapa's Pov

I woke up in a dark room that looked really familiar. It's my basement. I was tied up really tight, and I had a migraine.

Cd: I'm glad to see you're up, Chapa.

C: Dad?

Cd: I've missed you, Chapa.

C: No, you didn't.

Cd: You're right, I didn't.

C: What do you want with me.

Cd: I just wanna make you pay.

C: Pay for what?

Cd: Getting your stepmom arrested.

C: I didn't arrest her. Danger Force did.

Cd: Well, you're still gonna pay.

He started hitting me and whipping me. I was hanging from the ceiling, and he hut the chain, and i fell to the ground. I landed on something, and I felt a piece of glass or something stab my side.

Cd: I have to go.

He threw me in my room and locked the door. I heard the door close and saw his car backing out of the driveway.
I wanted to leave, but I knew if I went to the twins, I'd be bombarded with questions and taken to the hospital. I knew if I went to my mom's, then I'd end up in the hospital, too. So, I'm going to Bose's. He's the only one who would listen to me and respect my choice of not wanting to go to the hospital.

I got to Bose's house and saw that for some reason, there was a ladder outside his window. I climbed up the ladder and saw Bose sitting on his bed, scrolling through his phone. I knocked on his window, and he jumped out of bed.

B: Chapa? What are you doing here?

I didn't say anything but helped me in. I got inside, and  I immediately passed out.

Bose's Pov

Chapa came to my house at about 11:00 pm. I helped her inside, and she passed out. I caught her and laid her down on my couch. I saw some blood bleeding through her shirt. I lofted her shirt up a little bit and saw a piece of glass right above her hip. I slowly pulled it out and bandaged it. Her forehead felt really warm, so I put a cold rag on her forehead and put a light quilt over her. I let her sleep and went back to scrolling through my phone.

Chapa's Pov

I woke up and I saw I was in Bose's room but I don't remember how I got there.

C: Bose? What happened?

B: Ummm, you showed up here about 20 minutes ago and passed out.

C: Great. Why is there a rag on my forehead?

B: You felt warm, and ever since the whole radiator thing, you've gotten sick and overheated really easily, and I didn't want that to happen, so I put a cold rag on your forehead.

C: Oh, thanks.

B: Yep. But umm, what happened to you.

C: Ummm, I don't really remember.

B: Ok, that's fine.

So I'm not completely lying, I don't fully remember what happened. I just remember my dad beating me and passing out in Boses room.

B: Also, by the way, Mika and I broke up.

C: Omg, I'm so sorry.

B: Ehh, it's fine, it was for the best. I like someone else anyway.

C: Oohhh, who?

B: I'm not telling.

C: I'll get it out of you eventually.

B: No, you won't.

C: Don't try me.

B: Night Sparky.

C: Night Bose.

He told me goodnight and went to bed. I actually managed to fall asleep after about 15 minutes. I think it may have been because of the pain. But before Bose went to bed, he swapped out my cold rag with a colder one. It was sweet. I could tell he really cared about me. It was sweet. I can't believe him and Mika broke up. I felt bad, but at the same time, I was kinda happy. I just can't help but wonder who he likes.

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