Parents Night ~ Pt. 1

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(This is a couple weeks after the last chapter, and Chapa ran away from her house)

Ray's Pov

I walked into the man's nest after getting the mail and saw the kids getting attacked by a giant squid.

R: What are you guys doing?

MM: it was Schwozs turn to make dinner, and he accidentally turned the squid giant!

I got a phone call from Ms. Shapen, she was threatening to shut us down if we didn't have a parents' night. I covered the speaker and said, "we aren't having a parents' night. (SS is Sherona Shapen)

SS: Did you just cover the phone and say you aren't having a parents' night?

R: Ppfffttt nooo

SS: I'm gonna need picture proof and that days newspaper, so I know you're not lying.

While Sherona and I were talking, I heard Miles and Chapa being thrown behind me.

Chapa's Pov

Miles and I were literally thrown, and Ray didn't even look up from his phone! I'm pretty sure Miles was having a vision.

C: Yo, Miles, you okay?

M: Yeah, why are you on the floor?

C: Because it's comfy.

M: Here. ~Miles held out his hand and helped Chapa up~

C: Thanks.

M: No problem, but why are you holding your side?

C: I think I just hit it weird when I fell.

M: You sure? ~Remembering what he saw a few weeks ago~

C: Yeah?

We ran back to try and get Bose and Mika out, but we just go pulled back in.

C: OW! ~I punched the squid when it grabbed me because it hit right where I hit my side when I fell~

Everyone looked at me confused except for Miles, I just glared at them and punched the squid again.

M: She hit her side weird when she fell, and the squid probably hit it.

R: Where's Schwoz?

MM: I think the squid ate him.

R: Well spit him out. ~he slapped the squid~

Everyone already left to tell their parents and it was just me and Schwoz in the man's nest.

S: What going on Chapa?

I explained the whole situation of how I don't live with my parents and I live in dinnyland I didn't tell him about tge whole abuse thing though. He said he'd get an actor to play my dad for me.

Miles Pov

I texted Bose to come over so I could tell him and Mika about what I saw a few weeks ago.

~About 20 minutes later~

B: Hey guys.

M: Hey, so umm I need to tell you guys something...

MM: Ok?

M: A few weeks ago when I went to check on Chapa after she stormed out of the man's nest. And you know how Chapa's been really distant and only wears long sleeves and pants ever since her dad started going out of town alot?

Mika and Bose: Yeah?

M: well I figured out why, her Step mom abuses her.


M: Yeah.

MM: That honestly explains a lot.

I showed them the video I got of it and after that we all go really quiet.

End of chapter

I'll do part 2 soon

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