The Sleepover (I'm aware i've alr used this title, dont come after me)

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Mika's Pov

When Chapa and Bose got here, Miles and I ran to the door, but when we opened it, there was another person with them. Honestly, he was kinda cute.

B: Hey guys.

M: Hey.

MM: Who's that?

B: Oh, this is Zane, my stepbrother.

M: Why does he have a black eye, and Chapa, why do you have a bloody nose?

C & Z: I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT! HEY! QUIT COPYING ME! ~ He keeps mocking her, so she holds up her fist, and he backs away and stops~

M: Why is he scared of you?

C: It's a long story.

M: Alrighty then.

Time Skip to right before dinner (bc I'm lazy)

(A is Angela) (the twins mom)

A: Dinners ready.

MM: Okay!

Bose's Pov

We had some pizza for dinner, which is everyone's favorite. But weirdly enough, though, Chapa didn't really eat.

B: You okay?

C: Yeah, I'm just not hungry.

B: Okay.

After that, we watched Dog Judge for a while.

C: Miiiiikaaa

MM: Hmm, what?

C: Quit staring.

MM: At what?

C: Mika, I'm not stupid. You either quit acting like I am, or I'll say it out loud.

MM: Okay, okay, chill.

Time Skip to around 1:00am (once again because I'm lazy)

M: Alright, guys, let's go to bed.

B: I fully agree with that.

MM: Night, guys. ~ She says while staring at Zane~

C: Night.

Z: Good night.

C: ~ Whispers~Stuck up brat.

Z: What was that?

C: None of your business.

Z: aaawww, are you scared to tell me? Well, good, you should be.

C: Are you threatening me?

Z: No...

C: Good, that's what I thought.

Chapa's Pov

After a while, Zane and i were the only ones up. I was up because of my insomnia, I was also scared I was gonna have another nightmare.

C: Why are you still up?

Z: I can't sleep. You?

C: I have insomnia.

Z: That's fun.

C: Yeah, it got me kidnapped almost a week ago.

Z: Wait, really?

C: Yeah.

Z: And your parents still let you go places?

C: My first stepmom is dead, my second is in jail, and I don't see biological mom very often considering the fact that she lives on the other side of town.

Z: Damn, what about your dad?

C: He doesn't really care. He's not really paranoid or anything.

Z: That's nice.

C: Ehh, sometimes it'd be nice if he cared a little more, but, oh well.

Z: Damn, well, goodnight.

C: Goodnight.

The next morning

~ A really loud blaring alarm goes off~

C: Oh my God, Mika, is that your alarm?!

MM: Yeah.


MM: Okay, okay, geez, sorry.

Z: What time is it?

MM: 11:00, why?

Z: Bose and I gotta be home by 12:30.

M: Let's play some games.

B: Like what?

M: How about sorry.

B: Why are you sorry?

M: No, the game, sorry.

B: What game!?!

M: The game is called sorry!

B: What?

C: Bose, the name of the game Miles wants to play is Sorry.

B: Ohh, okay.

We played Sorry, Trouble, and a very quick round of monopoly. Surprise, surprise, Mika won every game. I think she cheated. Miles thinks the universe was against him, so it wasn't fair. Bose thought she just won fair and square. And Zane thought it was pure luck.

Z: Well, it's almost 12:30, Bose, and I better get going.

C: Yeah, me too.

M: Alright, by guys.

C: Byeee

B: You want me to walk with you, Chapa?

C: Nah, I don't want the stuck up brat knowing where I live.

B: Alright, bye.

C: Bye.

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