Mika's Crush

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Mika's Pov

Zane was so cute! Omg! I completely forgot that he gave me his number before he left. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I should text him. What should I text him? AAAAAAHHHHH, WHY IS THIS SO HARDDD!? First, I should put in his contact name.

                  Zane 😍🥵

There we go, that works. Now, just to text him. What do I say, though? I don't normally do this guy stuff. I know exactly what I need to help, or should I say, who?

MM: ~ Calls Chapa~

(She is calling Chapa through her dad's phone)

Cd: Hello?

MM: Hi Mr. De Silva, can I  speak to Chapa, please?

Cd: Sure, 1 second.

While I was waiting for Chapa to get on the phone, I heard her dad bringing her the phone, and I heard her screaming at him, but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying. It sounded like, "GO AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Like she was scared and crying.

C: Hello?

MM: Hey, so I need some help.

C: With what?

MM: Wait, are you crying?

C: What, no? ~ she says it very unconvincing~

MM: Okay, well, anyway, I need help texting a boy.

C: Who!?

MM: That's none of your business.

C: Okay, I see how it is.

MM: Anyways, I kinda like him, and I wanna text him, but I don't know what to text him.

C: Just say hi.

MM: Okay, that's simple enough.

C: Okay, well, good luck to you, I gotta go.

MM: Byyyeeeee.

C: Bye.

Chapa's Pov

C: Here's your phone.

Cd: Thanks.

C: I'm going to my room.

Cd: No, you're not. You depressed bitch.

C: Why can't I?

Cd: Your room makes you depressed.

C: No, it doesn't.

Cd: Yes, it does.

C: Omfg, no, it doesn't!

Cd: WHATEVER, JUST GO TO YOUR ROOM! ~ Throws his beer bottle on the floor right next to her~ Right after you clean this up.

I cleaned up the bottle and went up to my room. I decided to take a nap because I had a migraine from Mika's stupid ass alarm and felt nauseous. When I woke up, my dad was standing there staring at me, watching me sleep.


Cd: Waiting for you to get up.

C: Why?


C: Damn, chill.

Cd: NO! ~ He throws another beer bottle next to her~ Clean that up.

C: Yes, sir.

Cd: Good girl. (Listen, I promise he's NOT a pedophile 😭)

C: Okay, I finished, I'm gonna get something to eat.

Cd: No, you're not, fatty.

C: What?

Cd: No, you're not, Fatty.

C: But that's not-

Cd: You know what, no dinner for you tonight.

C: What?! But that's not fair! I didn't even do anything!

Cd: WELL NOW YOU'RE SCREAMING AT ME! GO TO YOUR ROOM! NOW!                ~ Throws beer bottle at her~

I just went up to my room. Honestly, I wish Bose had come with me. Then, this probably wouldn't have happened. I want him to be here so bad.

Mika's Pov

I texted Zane like 20 minutes ago, and he still hasn't responded! Oh, wait! He just did! He said, "Hey, what's up?" Aaaahhhhh, what should I say? I know!

MM: Nothing much, you?

Z: Nothing.

MM: How's your day going?

Z: Fine, how's yours?

MM: Good.

Z: That's good.

MM: Yeah.

Z: What school do you go to?

MM: It's called S.W.A.G.

Z: Does that stand for something?

MM: Yeah, Swellview Academy For The Gifted.

Z: And Bose goes there?

MM: Yeah. There's only 4 of us that go there, Me, Miles, Chapa, and Bose.

Z: That's cool.

MM: So, whatcha doin rn?

Z: Working out.

MM: I don't believe you.

Z: I just finished.

MM: Fun.


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